The Baby Plan Read online
Page 31
“You know I can help you out with rent, it's not a problem,” Erica said. “And I know you're good for the money. We can square up once you get pregnant and get the money.”
“What if I can't get pregnant though?” Paige said, sounding truly worried. “What if I'm not ovulating?”
“It'll happen eventually,” Erica said reasonably. “Or else you can take a couple extra shifts next month and pay me back then.”
“Or I could just do the work that I was assigned to do tonight and not have to worry about it,” Paige reasoned. “Please, Erica.”
I had an idea. “Or,” I said mildly. “I could pay you whatever it is that you would have earned in tips tonight, plus your hourly wage if you need, and we could get out of here a little early.” The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to just go. I didn't know if I could sit there for another couple of hours watching Paige move around in that dress of hers. I wanted to take her right then and there, or at least to drag her back into the bathrooms and have my way with her there, no matter how filthy they undoubtedly were, this being not the nicest of bars.
Paige looked torn. “Now that would make me feel like a prostitute,” she said, keeping her voice low and glancing towards the other customers at the bar.”
I rolled my eyes. “Fine,” I said. I could see where she was coming from, as much as I didn't like her response.
“How about I'll give you half of the tips that I earn tonight,” Erica tried. When she saw that Paige still looked torn, she pressed it. “Come on, you need to go out and have some fun. I can't remember the last time you did something social.”
“I just went over to Michael's place two nights ago,” Paige reminded her.
“Just for a quick fuck,” I said. “You didn't even stay long enough to have dinner.”
Paige looked guilty, and Erica smirked. “Come on,” she said. “Get out of here. I promise I can handle this place by myself for the night. We'll figure out finances later.”
“Okay,” Paige ighed, sounding defeated. “Just give me a minute to grab my jacket out of the back room.” She disappeared behind the swinging wooden door.
Erica leveled a finger at me as the other woman disappeared. “I swear to god, Michael Adams, if you hurt her, I'm going to make sure you get what's coming to you.”
I raised an eyebrow at her. “I have no desire to hurt her.”
Paige reappeared after a moment and came around the bar towards me, her hands shoved deep in her pockets. She looked nervously up at me. “Well, shall we?” she asked.
I knocked back the rest of my beer and threw a couple bills on the counter. “Let's get out of here,” I agreed. “My limo is waiting down the street.”
Paige gaped at me and then laughed. “Only you would come out to the bar in a limo,” she said. Then, she frowned. “Well, you and a bunch of brand new 21-year-olds spending Daddy's money.”
I laughed as well. “It's a chick magnet,” I said to defend my choice. Then, I winced. “But you probably don't want to hear that.”
Paige shrugged. “We both know that this isn't a relationship,” she said. “You've been with other women, and I've been with other men. Hell, I've watched you pick up women from The Shift, what, a dozen times?”
I grimaced, feeling strangely sheepish about that. “Sorry,” I said.
Paige gave me a weird look but didn't comment on my out-of-the-blue apology, for which I was grateful.
We climbed into the limo, and I directed the driver to take us back to my apartment. I couldn't stop glancing over at Paige as we rode along. I wanted desperately to take her right there in the limo, but I didn't know how she would feel about that, especially not when I'd already admitted to using this vehicle to pick up chicks. She would know that she wasn't the first one to have sex with me in there.
And for some reason, that bothered me. Well, she is going to be the mother of your child, I reminded myself. The least you could do would be to show her a little respect.
I allowed myself to reach over and put a hand on Paige's thigh, unable to keep my hands off her any longer. If the hitch in Paige's breath was anything to go by, she was feeling much the same way I was.
I growled and pulled her onto my lap, kissing her heatedly. I could feel her ladyhood pressing against my length, through the flimsy fabric of her panties and the smooth cotton of my slacks. She rocked her hips down, and I groaned loudly, my hands coming around to cup her bum, drawing her towards me, urging her to make that move again.
She did, and I was struck by the sudden realization that I could come just like this, like a needy school boy. I laughed, and Paige pulled back, giving me a quizzical look.
I shook my head. “Forget it,” I told her, pushing her hair off her neck and biting a mark into the skin near her collarbone. Then, I kissed her again, forcing my way into her mouth, my lips pressing firmly against hers. She met my kiss with equal interest, tilting her head to the side to give me better access. She gasped as I played with her breast through the fabric of her dress, and I dropped my forehead to rest against her collarbone.
“Fuck, I need to come,” I whispered.
“Me too,” Paige whispered back, giggling a little.
I grinned up at her and brought my hand down between her legs. I could feel how damp she was already, her wetness seeping through the silky fabric of her panties. As I petted her, she shamelessly spread her legs to give me better access, rocking her hips again.
I brought my hand up behind her head and pulled her down into another kiss as I continued to toy with her clit, wondering if I could get her to come just like this.
Chapter Twelve
The things Michael was doing to me, I didn't even have words. I was so turned on, I was practically vibrating with it. The air in the limo was charged, thick with lust and desire, both mine and his. As he played with my clit, sliding his hands across the damp fabric of my panties, it was all I could do not to come right then and there. I was so dangerously close, though. I had been ever since Michael appeared at the bar and made it clear that he wanted to take me home right then.
I felt a pang of guilt, remembering how I had skipped out early, how Erica was probably going to have to spot me money for rent now. But it was hard to focus on such mundane matters, in light of Michael's ministrations.
I moaned loudly as Michael pushed his fingers past my panties and pushed them inside of me. Suddenly, I realized something. “We're not going anywhere,” I said.
Michael pulled his head back from where he'd been nuzzling my neck. He peered towards the window and then gave me a sheepish grin. “When did that happen?” he asked. “Shall we take this inside?”
“Do you think we can make it up the elevator?” I asked breathlessly.
Michael's eyes darkened at that. “The things I'd like to do to you, here and in the elevator,” he said. Then, he shook his head. “Bed.”
“Bed,” I agreed, tumbling out of the limo and letting him follow.
We made it to the elevator without incident. Once there, Michael put his hands on my hips, pulling me back against him and grinding against my behind. “God, you in that dress,” he growled. “When you bent over at the bar, I thought I was going to explode.”
I widened my eyes innocently, looking at him in the mirror. “In this old thing?” I asked.
Michael lowered his head and kissed and sucked his way from the joint of my neck and shoulder up to my ear, pausing to nibble at my earlobe. I mewled plaintively, still caught up in the view of our reflection in the back panel of the elevator. I had to admit, we looked good together, in a way that I could never have expected. Of course, it helped that I was wearing one of my nicest dresses that evening, with my hair blown out in waves. I looked like I belonged next to his fancy, tailored suit and his immaculate dark hair.
But there was something else about it, some unknown quality to our reflection that made me feel like maybe this was right.
I cou
ldn't dwell on it though; soon, we were inside his penthouse apartment. Same as the night before, I didn't have much time to take in my surroundings, as he dragged me impatiently down the hall to the bedroom, barely pausing to close his front door behind us.
I giggled and stripped naked just as quickly as he did.
He drew me up against his body, our kissing even hungrier than it had been before. I trembled against him, already so keyed up. I wanted to beg him for more, but I could barely breathe, given the ferocity of the kiss. I felt as though I was being consumed by him, or consumed by the fire of passion inside me. But I still craved more.
I made a noise of protest as he pulled away from me, but I didn't need to worry: Michael was just as ready as I was for more. He practically threw me onto the bed and then climbed immediately on top of me. His fingers went back to where they had been out in the limo, stroking through my slickness, but this time, my panties weren't in his way.
He plunged his fingers inside of me, working them against my walls, setting a quick, almost violent rhythm. I panted, using my heels to rock down onto his digits, needing more.
And more is what I got. He scissored his fingers, dragging the pads of them down my walls, creating a level of friction that was so perfect, I couldn't help but cry out. I wasn't normally one to be loud during sex, but with Michael, I didn't have a choice. Every little thing that he did had me begging for more.
He twisted his fingers and then bent them, finding a spot inside of me that I had never known existed. I gasped breathlessly, my eyes rolling back in my head. “Again,” I sobbed. “Please, again. Again, again, again.”
Michael grinned triumphantly and continued to work that spot, rubbing it again and again with his fingers. With his other hand, he started to play with my clit again as well, and with so much pleasure coursing through me, I was helpless, I was exploding, I was coming hard, my walls twitching around his fingers, clenching again and again and again.
He slowly withdrew his fingers, and I could only sigh at the loss of fullness. I felt utterly languid, boneless, sated in a way I had never felt before.
But Michael was ready to chase his own pleasure now. He nudged my knees further apart and settled between them. Then, he slid into me in one clean thrust. He paused there, and at first, I thought he was giving me a moment to adjust to his girth. Then, I recognized the strain in his arms, the tight expression on his face. He was close to coming already, I realized, and I couldn't help smiling up at him as I ran my fingers through the back of his hair.
He gave one quick thrust and then paused again, grinning sheepishly down at me. Before he could say anything, though, I surged up into a kiss, realizing that I was incredibly turned on by the idea that he was so incredibly turned on that he could barely stave off the orgasm long enough to fuck me.
He began to move against me, first just short, shallow thrusts, building into longer ones that drove all the air out of my lungs. The spot that he'd been hitting before tingled, still sensitive, and I shivered, fingers twisting in the sheets.
Michael brought a hand down between us, playing with my clit again, even as he continued to fuck into me in sharp, staccato thrusts that sent my blood singing through my veins. I was so close already, so close to coming again. That sated feeling from before had all but vanished, replaced by this gnawing desire, this hunger for him.
He brought his hand up to cup my cheek, looking down into my eyes with an unreadable expression on his face. The deep blue of his eyes pulling me in. But that lasted for just a moment. He dropped down onto his elbows so he could force himself all the way into my body, as far as his member could go.
His thrusts started to lose their rhythm, and he suddenly froze. But I was hardly paying attention, caught up in my own bliss. I came for the second time, my vision whiting out for a moment with the intensity of my emotion. I was shaking with it, clinging to him as though he was a lifeline and I was lost at sea.
It was pleasure unlike any that I had ever experienced, unlike anything that I had ever known that I could feel. I couldn't think, I could only feel each sensation, as though they were echoing through me: his dick twitching inside me, spilling its hot load; his fingers, tightly twisted in my hair; his legs, tangled up in mine. Each delicious point of contact tingled with sensation.
My whole body relaxed, and I sank back into the mattress as his weight sank down onto me. I sighed heavily, wrapping my arms around him to keep him in place for a moment, reveling in the weight, using it to ground myself.
Michael nuzzled my hair for a moment and then pressed a quick, chaste kiss to my lips. He rolled to the side, staring up at the ceiling and panting as he tried to get his breath back.
I knew that I should be getting up now, rolling out of bed, putting my clothes back on, and heading home. But I was exhausted; those two huge orgasms had taken it out of me. I could feel my eyelids slipping closed as Michael settled in behind me, his arm around my waist.
I tried to say something, maybe to protest at the way he was cuddling me. Because if there was anything that was going to make me start feeling attached to him, that was surely it.
I couldn't seem to pry my eyes open for long enough, though, and finally, I succumbed to sleep.
Chapter Thirteen
I woke up to my alarm, a rare occurrence. Usually, I was awake at least a couple minutes before it and could shut it off before the thing made a sound. I scowled my annoyance and flipped my phone over, thankful for that feature, so I didn't have to scramble to find the correct button to push.
Paige was still asleep in front of me. For a moment, I nuzzled back against her, my arm still draped over her waist. It was warm and comfortable there, our legs tangled together beneath the sheets. Everything felt good. Not only did I feel physically sated after our actions of the previous night, but I also felt mentally better than I had in a while. I felt ready to face the day, ready to—
I interrupted that thought and rolled away from Paige, wondering what the hell I was thinking, anyway.
Paige wasn't my girlfriend, and I didn't have feelings for her. We were just fucking. The happiness I was feeling right then wasn't because everything in my life was somehow so perfectly aligned. It was because we'd had awesome sex and I was still basking in the afterglow. That was why people had sex in the first place, wasn't it? Because it made them feel good afterwards.
I slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Paige. She was out of it, and I congratulated myself mentally on a job well done. She had come hard the previous night; I had been able to tell. Right now, she showed no signs of getting up.
The nice guy in me wanted to make her breakfast and bring it to her in bed, but that seemed too cute and too couple-y for me to do. If she was just a one-night stand, I wouldn't have minded. But with this relationship, being what it was, I felt like I had to be extra careful to play by the rules that we had set out in the contract. And that meant no breakfast in bed.
I paused in the doorway, looking back at her. The sunlight coming through the window hadn’t reached her yet, but even in this half-light, she looked stunning. Peaceful, too. I couldn't help smiling, glad I'd been able to give her a well-deserved sleep. Maybe we'd have to keep this up even after she'd gotten pregnant. It was probably healthier for her to get a good sleep every now and then.
For now, I forced myself to turn away from her and made my way into the kitchen. I'd grab breakfast on the way to the office, but I couldn't go without leaving a note for her.
Good morning,
Had an early conference call so had to run.
Feel free to eat anything you'd like, and shower too.
And feel free to spend the night again tonight.
I frowned down at the note, wondering if it was exactly what I meant to say. Not the part about breakfast and a shower; she was more than welcome to make something to eat and to clean herself up a little. But the part about staying the night again, was I allowed to ask?
sp; I wanted to get inside of her as much as possible. I tried to tell myself that it wasn't just about us, her and I. The more I came inside her, the more likely it was that I would manage to impregnate her, which was what we were trying to do.
More than that, though, I was having a hard time resisting her. I hadn't intended to take things as far as I had in the limo the previous night, but there we had been, unaware that we were sitting outside my building, for who knew how long. It was as though when I was around her, my whole focus narrowed to her. Thinking with your dick, I think that's what that's called, I thought wryly.
It wasn't even just about my pleasure, however, although I couldn't deny that I'd enjoyed the orgasms that I'd already had with her. I wasn't sure I had ever come as hard as I had with Paige. There was just something about her that had me interested. We worked so well together that it would be a shame when this was over.
But the main thing: there was another part of me that also wanted to make her come again and again, as much as I could. I had always been a giving lover, but the amount that I wanted to give to her was borderline ridiculous. Even after she'd come twice the previous night, even after it had become clear that she was exhausted and ready to pass out, I'd wanted to put my hands on her again. Or better yet, my mouth.
I was still couldn't stop thinking about getting my mouth on her. Maybe that's what I'd do tonight if she stayed.
I shivered, just thinking about it. Yes, that was what I wanted for the night. And with that in mind, the note said exactly what I intended it to. I nodded to myself and crept quietly back into the bedroom, leaving it on the bedside table. Then, I quickly dressed and headed into the office.
Chris was there waiting for me when I arrived. He raised an eyebrow at me. “Someone's looking chipper this morning,” he said.