Protected by my Boss: A Billionaire and his Secretary Romance Read online
Page 22
“Joe’s right,” he said after I told him everything. “There isn’t anything else you can do until it’s been forty-eight hours. No one saw her take off from the hotel?”
“No one saw a damn thing,” I said, sagging against the steering wheel. “I don’t know what to do, Ashton. Keep looking?”
“That’s all you can do for now,” he said. “I’ll have a few friends of mine in law enforcement pull a couple strings without directly involving the police here. They can track Sid’s phone number without alerting the other officers that we are looking for him. They can also hear radio static as well if Sid’s on the channel talking to them.”
“Thank you, Ashton. I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome. Keep your chin up. We’ll find her safely.”
“I hope so,” I said, tears stinging the backs of my eyes. “Fuck, I really hope so.”
Chapter 36
“What the fuck do you mean that prick has other officers trying to track me?”
The sound of Sid’s voice cut through the fuzz clinging to my head. That fuzz eventually gave away to a full-blown, throbbing headache. Every inch of my body felt grimy and battered from whatever the hell Sid had just put me through. The back of my neck ached from where Sid had punched and pinched the sensitive skin there. My right cheek felt swollen and bruised, and the taste of blood lingered on the tip of my tongue.
I let out a soft groan from the pain. The smell of unwashed sheets and moldy carpet filled my nose. I tried to move about on the springy mattress I was lying on, but my arms were extended above my head. Metal handcuffs cut into the skin on my wrists when I tugged at them. Panic rose in me as I forced my eyes open to gaze up at the dark ceiling of what appeared to be a rundown hotel room.
Memories of Sid shoving a rag full of some sort of liquid into my face flashed across my mind. I scrambled up on my backside, ignoring the jolt of pain that went right up my spine at the movement. Adrenaline shot through my veins as I took in the moldy walls and broken television screen mounted on the hotel wall above a dresser. Sid’s gun sat on top of the dresser in his holster, but there was no possible way I could reach it. Not with Sid sitting at the small table near the window with a cigarette held between his fingers. The entire tabletop was littered with cigarette butts.
He glanced over to where I was sitting up on the small bed with my hands twisted behind me at an awkward angle.
“Take care of it, man,” he said into the phone. “I lied to protect your ass before when the chief came sniffing up our tree because you didn’t want your wife to leave you. I’m trusting you to shut that prick up when you can. I’ll pay whatever fee you want.”
Sid hung the phone back up on the receiver. He took a deep puff before letting the smoke stream out in front of him.
“Glad to see you awake,” he drawled, flicking the ash carelessly to the ground. “I didn’t mean to drug you for that long by the way.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I’m pretty sure you did what you did for a reason.”
“You’re right,” he said, chuckling. “I do everything for a reason. Very observant of you.”
“Where are we?” I asked, glancing around the hotel room with a grimace. “Why did you bring me here?”
“This is the one place that I knew your precious boss wouldn’t look.”
Sid flicked away the cigarette after snuffing the end of it out with his fingertips. He rose from the table to approach me with a smirk tugging at his lips. I gripped the chain of the handcuffs while I tried to decipher the look in his eyes.
My stomach churned queasily at the sight of lust spreading across Sid’s face. He shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it onto a dusty chair before reaching up to loosen the tie at his neck.
“Sid,” I started, shaking my head at him pleadingly. “Please, no. I can’t do it.”
He arched an eyebrow at me. “Can’t do what?”
“Please don’t make me do this,” I whispered as he loosened his cuff links. It was clear that he had grabbed me right off his shift. He was dressed in his detective clothes—a nice shirt and pants. It didn’t draw any unusual attention to him. “Sid, don’t. You can’t force me to do something I don’t want to do.”
“Is that so?” Sid asked, chuckling. “Well, my dear, you happen to be wrong. You aren’t the one in charge here.”
He placed his badge on the dresser next to his gun. I held my breath while he ran a finger along the butt of his service gun.
“There’s a bullet with your boss’s name on it in this gun,” he said softly. “You know you won’t ever see that fucker again, right?”
“It’s been eight hours since I escorted you out of that hotel.” He continued on, coming to stand at the edge of the bed. I flinched back when he raised his hand at me. “And within a matter of eight hours, he has caused enough headaches for me to last a lifetime. He’s called Internal Affairs. I have Flannagan prying at my ass over everything. Now I have other police officers from outside Salt Lake City tracking my cell phone pings. Very clever of him. Very clever.”
“He knows that you took me,” I said as my heart raced frantically. “He knows that I wouldn’t have walked out of that hotel suite without any of my things.”
“A minor slip up,” he said, shrugging his shoulders while loosening his belt. “It doesn’t matter anymore. Neither one of us will be in Utah for much longer.”
The mattress dipped down as Sid crawled along the bed to force my legs apart. Hot tears were streaming down my cheeks as I scooted as far away as I possibly could.
“None of this is going to go away,” I said, desperation in my voice now. “You can’t just expect everyone to accept the fact that we both disappeared without explanation.”
Sid paused at that while he chewed over my words. “You’re right. That’s why I plan on having you speak to this boss of yours. You’re going to tell him that you’re leaving him and coming back to me. End of the damn story.”
“Not the end of the story,” I said with more bravery than I felt. “I won’t ever be okay with this, Sid. I am not going to let you keep abusing me. What you’re doing is a crime. You can’t take me somewhere that I don’t want to go.”
“Is that so?”
I felt uneasy with the smile spreading across Sid’s face as he practically swelled with amusement. He leaned over to hover above me with just a few inches of air between our faces. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol clung to his breath. I jerked back in response to being so close. Pain burst through my head when the back of it collided with the bed frame.
“This is what is going to happen starting within the next hour,” he whispered, his eyes threatening to burn holes into mine. “You are going to call this boss of yours. You are going to tell him that you’ve thought about it and you haven’t been able to get past your feelings for me. You are going to ask him to leave you alone, to let you go. Then—”
“I’m not going to do it!” I cried out, bucking wildly up against him. “I am not going to do anything that I don’t want to do, you fucking bastard!”
A part me was partially surprised that Sid didn’t instantly strike out to silence me. Instead, he seemed thrilled with the fight, his hands smoothing along my thighs as he let out a lustful sigh.
“You are going to call your mother,” he continued, unfazed by my struggle. “You are going to tell her that we are both leaving Utah together to get away from Bastian Burke. You know how much your mother hates him, right?”
“Because you made her hate him!”
“It’s funny how things like that work,” Sid said. He sat back with a disappointed sigh when the hotel phone rang. “Don’t move, darling. I’ll be right back.”
He slapped me hard on the thigh. Pain shot up my leg. I stared down at the welt forming on my upper thigh while Sid hopped off the bed with a cheerful whistle. He picked up the phone while he fished out a pack of smokes from his front shirt pocket.
at do you got for me?” he asked, sitting down in the chair. “Someone take care of that other guy calling in his resources on me?”
I tugged at the metal handcuffs in vain. They were looped through a firm wooden bar in the bed frame. No matter how hard I tugged, the wood remained intact. I sank back against the bed in resignation.
I’m going to die.
Those four words settled in my brain with surprising peace. I knew Sid wouldn’t go out without a fight. He had every intention of taking me with him no matter where he went—in life or in death.
My eyes slipped closed as I half-listened to Sid talk on the phone. Bastian was looking for me. I knew it from the conversation on the phone. He was looking for me, and he knew Sid had taken me. That was my only glimmer of hope in the darkness that wanted to spread throughout me.
I didn’t care if it took everything inside me or if it killed me in the process. I needed to get away from Sid. I had to escape somehow when the opportunity arose. It was only a matter of trying to survive whatever Sid had planned for the two of us.
“Still searching for you,” Sid said, hanging the phone back up. He folded his hands neatly in his lap while regarding me through narrowed eyes. “Tell me, Joanna. Do you love this boss of yours?”
It was a trick question, a ploy to give him an excuse to hurt me. I tilted my chin bravely to gaze at him.
“Yes,” I said. “I love him. He loves me, too.”
Sid burst out laughing at that. It was a full-bellied type of laugh that instantly brought chills over me despite the hot, damp air of the hotel room.
“You think that a self-made billionaire really loves you?” he questioned, shaking his head at me. “You’re not worth that type of love, Joanna. He can have any woman in the world. Why would he settle on a pathetic person like you?”
“Speak for yourself,” I spat out, anger rising inside me. “I didn’t attack him, throw a rag over his face, and then kidnap him and take him to some seedy fucking hotel. That makes you the most pathetic person in the room here.”
“Feisty,” Sid observed, rising to his feet. “Well, I can tell you a list of women that man has slept with over the years. Too many to even count on both my hands.”
“Is that any different than you?”
“Not really,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “He can do better. That’s all I’m saying.”
He reached down to tug at his pants. Vomit burned in the back of my throat.
“So you can too by that theory,” I pointed out with desperation again. “You can do much better than me, Sid. You know you can have any woman you want.”
“I already know that,” he said impatiently. “No more stalling, Joanna. You owe me.”
“I don’t owe you anything! Not a damn thing, Sid. Not after what you did to me.”
“I admire this new backbone of yours,” he said as he slipped between my kicking legs with ease. “I really do, baby. It’s time to put you back in your place, though, back to where you used to be. The good girlfriend I had trained so well.”
Sid shoved a hand underneath my robe to grab the elastic band of my underwear. He tugged them down with a chuckle while I tried to kick him away.
“This will go a lot faster if you just take it,” he pointed out. “Just saying, sweetheart. Try to keep quiet, too.”
I screamed as he climbed on top of me.
Chapter 37
Two days of no sleep. I couldn’t stop pacing my penthouse while I listened to Ashton and Joe both make various phone calls to their contacts. Nothing to the Salt Lake City Police Department, though. Not until the private investigator Ashton had hired figured out who the cops were that we could trust.
If that bastard harmed Joanna, or worse, I knew without a doubt I wouldn’t hesitate to let my fists do all the talking. The rest of my life wouldn’t be worth a damn thing if Joanna wasn’t a part of it. I knew without a doubt that Sid wouldn’t let Joanna go without some sort of confrontation.
I rubbed at my aching eyes. For the past two hours, I had sat in the privacy of my bedroom to let every emotion I felt spill out into the bottle of alcohol that now sat empty alongside my bed. No one knew where the two could’ve gone. Not even the hotel staff knew how Sid had managed to get in and out without alerting their security.
The man was a shitty worm that knew how to get through everyone to get what he wanted. We had something in common, though: neither one of us were willing to let go of Joanna. The only difference was that I knew I could take care of her without using my fists to make my point.
I looked up when the door to my bedroom opened. Ashton stepped in with his phone clutched tightly in his hand. Hope shot through me as I rose from where I had been seated on the edge of my bed.
“Do you have something?” I asked desperately. “Please tell me that investigator of yours has something that we can use.”
“Partially,” he said. “He’s working a lead right now. It has to deal with Sid’s former partner, who asked for a transfer over the past two weeks.”
“Transfer?” I repeated, frowning. “Is it the same partner that tried to arrest my driver?”
“I’m not sure,” Ashton said. “Just give him an hour to work this guy for information. Sid has had a few partners who requested transfers over the years. It seems like they can’t keep up with his crazy-ass behavior.”
“Who the fuck would want to sit in a cop car with a guy acting like a complete nutcase?” I ran a hand through my hair in aggravation. “One equipped with police training and a gun to kill you if you double-crossed him.”
“It’s going to be okay, Bastian. Listen to me.” Ashton grasped my shoulder to keep me from pacing in front of him anxiously. “It’s going to be fine. We are going to find out where Joanna is. I doubt anything drastic has happened.”
“How are you so confident about that?” I asked bitterly. “I let my guard down for one fucking second. For one fucking second and that bastard swooped in and grabbed her.”
“The reason I believe that is because I know men like Sid. They are scared shitless when they realize that everyone is catching up to their actions. All they care about is how you perceive them.”
“This is an awful amount of work for someone who cares about their reputation,” I said, shaking my head in despair. “I have to go out there to find her. I’ll check every fucking hotel around here if I need to.”
“We don’t even know if they are still in Salt Lake,” Ashton said soothingly. “I know this is hard, man, but you’ve got wait until we hear word from my investigator. He’ll get the truth.”
“Right. I hope so.”
I swayed on my feet as the bottle of whiskey finally caught up with the lack of sleep. Ashton helped me sit back down on the bed. He nudged me back to lay down on the mattress. I couldn’t protest, even though a part of me clung stubbornly to being awake.
“I can’t sleep,” I muttered, shoving away Ashton’s hand. “What if—”
“If the PI calls, I’ll wake you up,” Ashton said. “You aren’t going to be useful if you’re drunk and unable to keep yourself upright. Get some sleep, even if it is only for an hour.”
I fell into a dark sleep full of Joanna’s screams for help echoing in my ear. I was running down a long hallway in the direction of those screams while desperation rose in me. I was close to the closed door, one hand on the brassy, cold knob when someone jerked me awake suddenly.
“Bastian! Wake up.”
I blinked away the unsettling dream to find Ashton standing above me while he shook my shoulder hastily. Swiping a hand over my eyes, I sat up quickly to try to regroup. I was still in my bed at my penthouse suite in Salt Lake City. Joanna was still missing and was with that fucked-up, corrupt cop.
“What did you find?” I asked desperately. “Please tell me you found her.”
“The former partner of his managed to get ahold of Sid,” Ashton said. I clambered off the bed quickly. “He�
��s in some seedy hotel on the outskirts of Salt Lake City. It’s a hotel that barters sex for protection for some of the prostitutes that work in the city.”
Disgust tore through me as I followed Ashton out of my bedroom to where Joe was waiting for me anxiously.
“We can get there quickly if you hurry, Mr. Burke,” he said. “We don’t want anyone tipping off Sid that we’re onto him.”
I grabbed my jacket from the back of the couch, and Ashton and Joe followed me down the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. Bright morning light greeted us the second we stepped outside to the sound of traffic.
“I’m going to get my team in case you need it,” Ashton told me. “I’m going to get ahold of Shelly, too.”
“Better safe than sorry,” Joe said. “You might be needing a legal team if this goes over badly, Bastian.”
I nodded my head at Ashton before following Joe down the sidewalk at a hurried pace. I didn’t even bother with a seat belt as Joe flew down the interstate in the direction of the hotel.
“No one knows we’re coming, right?” I asked anxiously. “I don’t want the cops there. Not yet anyway.”
“This PI made it clear that his partner would end up in trouble if he told Sid the truth about his phone call.” Joe turned onto an off-ramp. “I don’t think you have to worry about it, Bastian. This guy sounded fed up with having to cover for Sid’s ass.”
“I hope you’re right,” I said. “Because if something goes wrong, both of us are going to get a bullet for trying to get Joanna.”
“It won’t happen. I can promise you that.”
Joe tapped the holster of his gun beneath his jacket. I kept my eyes focused on the road ahead as we got closer to the location. Soon, a rundown hotel appeared in our sights, and the GPS indicated to turn into the parking lot. Relief shot through me when I spotted Sid’s undercover car parked in front of a room on the far end.
“That’s his car,” I said, opening the door before Joe could come to a stop. “That is Sid’s fucking car. I know it is.”