The Baby Plan Page 17
“I will. Thank you for coming. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, walking me to the door.
Driving home, the gravity of the evening slammed into me, and I found myself crying as I navigated the streets. I couldn’t understand why I was being denied the happiness Kali and Brian had found without even trying. It felt as if the universe had turned against me.
I drove by a liquor store, and before I knew what I was doing, I’d flipped around and headed inside. I needed alcohol. I wanted a good bottle of wine, not some grocery store stuff. I browsed the shelves, tissues in hand, wiping my nose from time to time. I knew I looked a mess, but I didn’t care. My world was shattered and I wanted the right wine to make it seem less horrible.
As I bought my wine, I ignored the looks from the clerk as he took in my appearance. Safely back in the car, I made my way home, looking forward to my hot date with a bottle of expensive wine.
After popping the cork, I poured the first glass and wandered to the spare bedroom I had chosen to be the nursery. I stood in the empty room, looking at the plain white walls, and thought about what color I would paint the room. Could I paint if I was pregnant?
I would hire someone, I mused.
“Chair there, crib there, and changing table there,” I said, pointing to each empty space.
In my mind, I could see the nursery, furnished and ready for the baby I would bring home. I finished my glass of wine and refilled the glass. About halfway through the second glass, I made a decision. I knew damn well it was a result of the wine, but I didn’t care.
“Hey,” I said, using my sexiest voice. “What are you doing right now?”
Mason seemed a little surprised by my call. “I thought you and Brian had plans?”
“We did. They’re done and I’m home. Home alone, and I want to see you.”
“Are you drunk?” he asked.
“Not really. I’ve had a glass of wine, but I’m not drunk. Don’t you want to come over?” I pouted.
“You know I do. Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be there,” he said, and hung up the phone.
I smiled. Mission accomplished. I headed for my bedroom, opened the chest of drawers in my closet, and pulled out the little bit of lingerie I had purchased on my trip to Laguna Beach. I knew I didn’t really need to wear anything to get Mason to want me, but I wanted to spice things up a little.
I pulled out the black leather and lace corset with matching black panties and attached garter. I’d been hoping to wear this for a special occasion, but tonight felt right. It was a special occasion. Mason just didn’t know it yet.
I dug through the drawers and found my stockings and slowly slid them up my legs, clipping them to the garters. Then I pulled my hair out of the loose ponytail it had been in and shook it out, making it full and a little messy. A quick slick of red lipstick and a bit of mascara and I felt like a seductress.
I sauntered out to the living room and refilled my glass for the third time. The wine was worth every penny. I didn’t feel sad anymore. I felt very hot and horny.
Chapter 28
I hadn’t expected to see Lara tonight and was so glad she called. It had been almost a week since I had seen her and I was suffering a serious case of blue balls. Last night, the phone sex had been hot and heavy. It had left me hard and in pain. I had a feeling she was a little tipsy now, but it wasn’t like we’d never had sex before. I didn’t feel like I was taking advantage of her in the slightest.
Knocking, I felt slightly out of breath. I had rushed down the hall, anxious to see her. She pulled open the door, and I nearly came right in my pants.
“Holy fuck,” I whispered.
She gave me a sexy smile and held out her arms, one hand holding a glass of wine as she slowly turned around, giving me a full view of her outfit.
“Do you like it?” she asked as I walked in.
Grabbing her, I kissed her long and intently, tasting the wine on her lips. My cock was so hard, I felt as if it would tear through my jeans. I wanted the thing off her, but I also wanted it on.
“You’re so beautiful. Sexy and gorgeous. I just want to fuck you all night long, Lara,” I murmured against the silky flesh of her neck.
I made my way down to cup her breasts that were pushed up by a leather corset-looking thing. Her bare breasts spilled over the top. All I wanted to do was bury myself in her cleavage.
“My wine,” she murmured.
I took the glass from her and walked to the kitchen to set it down. She followed me, her hands running down my back and squeezing my butt.
I deposited it on the counter and spun around to pull her against me. “I want you so bad it hurts.”
“Good. I want you, too.”
I kissed her and reached for the strip of condoms I had grabbed and stuffed in my back pocket before coming up to her condo.
Her hands were working the button and fly of my jeans, and the second my cock sprang free, I moaned. The restraint of my jeans was brutal. I reached around and grabbed my dick, stroking it while I kissed her.
“Hold on, baby, hold on,” I said, pulling away from her and stepping out of my jeans while I ripped open the condom.
She snatched the condom out of my hand and tossed it across the room. “No! I want you to get me pregnant. Don’t wear that.”
It was as if ice water had been dumped over my head. My dick jerked and started to shrink right in my hand.
“Lara, I’m not going to do that. You’re drunk, and you aren’t thinking clearly,” I said, trying to sound reasonable and not judgmental.
“Fuck me, Mason. It isn’t like we haven’t done it before without protection. Please,” she whimpered.
“This isn’t the way I want to do this, Lara,” I said, feeling a little exposed standing there naked below the waist.
I couldn’t have sex with her in good conscience now—unless she let me slide that condom on.
“Mason, you offered. I’m accepting now.”
“God, Lara. I want you so bad right now. I’ll wear a condom. If you still want the old-fashioned baby-making method, we can try again. Trust me, I am more than willing to try many, many times.”
She grabbed the wine off the counter, took a long drink, and put the glass down. If I hadn’t been half naked and incredibly horny, I would have run out the front door when she looked at me as if I were her next meal.
I didn’t run. She jumped on me. My response was instinctual. I wrapped my arms around her waist. Her legs went around mine and her mouth came down on mine. In an instant, my dick was hard and pulsing. Her body was moving up and down mine. It was then that I discovered the black panties I had barely gotten to look at were crotchless.
“Dammit, Lara.” I groaned, giving in to my body’s demands.
I used one hand to grab my dick and rubbed it over her clit. She groaned low in her throat before rising and sliding back down, this time impaling herself on me. She was hot, wet, and grinding against me, bringing me more pleasure than I had ever experienced.
I walked to the living room with her straddling my dick. With one smooth move, I lifted her off and away from me and pushed her down onto the couch where I planned to fuck her hard and slow, repeatedly.
“No,” she moaned. “I—”
I stopped her from talking by kissing her. I plunged my tongue into her mouth, swirled it around, and pulled out, licking her lips before nibbling her lower lip. In another fast move, I stood and yanked my shirt over my head. Her hands immediately came up to my waist. I bent forward, and she started rubbing and squeezing my pecs. My fingertips ran down her arms and then to her tiny waist, cinched in the very lovely corset she was wearing. I dropped my mouth to her nipples and teased one and then the other.
I sucked one into my mouth, hard, and then softly while my hands ran over her thighs, gently spreading them open as I did.
“I like this outfit,” I said, my tongue swirling around her jutting nipple.
“I bo
ught it for you. I wanted to look sexy for you,” she said, leaning away from me.
Her eyes held mine as her splayed hands ran over her middle before she cupped her own breasts. I watched in awe as she ran a finger over her nipple. Her mouth dropped open as both her hands massaged her own breasts and then pinched each nipple.
I couldn’t move. I was mesmerized. She dropped one of those perfectly plump breasts and ran her hand back down her middle, directly to her core. My eyes followed her hand, staring at the place where she was slowly moving her hand over herself.
She made a soft mewing sound that brought my eyes back up to her face. Her mouth formed a small O, and I could feel my dick weeping. I wanted to take her, but she wasn’t finished with her seduction.
“Do it, Lara.”
Her head dropped forward, her chin touching her chest as she looked down at herself. The crotchless panties framed her entrance. I watched as she slid her finger down her center. She gasped, and I nearly dropped to my knees in front of her.
She rubbed a circle with one finger before sliding the same finger inside her. Her head popped up, and my eyes jerked away from where her finger was moving in and out of her to hold hers. It was the most erotic scene I had ever witnessed. I couldn’t sit back and watch another second. I had to be in her.
I dropped to my knees, jerked her finger out of her pussy, and licked it before sucking it into my mouth. I spread her legs wider and dove in. Her sweet pussy was dripping, and I took it upon myself to lap it all up.
“Mason,” she moaned. She was panting, and her legs twitched against my head. I ran one hand over the silky stockings and massaged her thigh while I worked her pussy over with my tongue. I pushed my tongue in, focusing on that sensitive nub. When she jerked away, I followed her and drank in her orgasm as she writhed and cried out my name above me.
I grabbed her, pulling her to the ground on top of me, pushing into her as I did. Her slick pussy swallowed my dick in one easy thrust.
“There,” I grunted when her body slammed against mine. “Ride me, Lara.”
She smiled and pushed her body against mine, rocking back and forth over my dick. Her hands were on my chest, her nails cutting small half-moons into the skin over my ribs. The combination of pleasure and pain was making me crazy.
Her body started rocking faster, jerking me with the force. Her knees dug into my sides as she bucked against me.
I grabbed her hips and pulled her back and forth over my dick with such rapid speed and force I felt as if I was going to pass out when the orgasm tore through me with such violence that my legs cramped up.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I heard myself yelling as she collapsed against my chest, her pussy squeezing my dick in the sweetest vice.
“Oh, oh, oh,” she mumbled against my chest before bolting upright and rocking over me as her own orgasm hit.
Once her body was drained, she fell onto my chest again.
“Holy hell,” I muttered. “You damn near killed me.”
She giggled. “The feeling is mutual.”
I ran my fingers up and down her back. As much as I liked the corset, I wanted to feel her skin against mine.
“Can we take this off now? I love it, but I want your skin against me.”
She sat up, undid a few fasteners, and the thing popped open, her breasts springing free.
She rolled to the side and unclipped the clasps connected to her stockings.
“I like this. I want you to wear this every night,” I told her, kissing her forehead.
She laughed again. “It wouldn’t be nearly as sexy if you saw me in it all the time.”
“Then we need to get more. One for every night of the week,” I declared.
There was a long pause, neither of us addressing the elephant in the room. I couldn’t stand the awkward silence another second.
“What was that about? I’m not complaining, but it was a complete one-eighty from last week.”
I heard her choke out a sob and quickly rolled to my side to face her. “What’s wrong? Is this because of the test earlier? Lara, you can’t give up hope.”
She shook her head and waved a hand in front of her face. “No, it isn’t that. I mean it is a little, but not entirely. Brian and Kali are having a baby,” she sobbed.
“What?” I asked in complete shock. “I thought they just started seeing each other.”
“They did a couple weeks ago. She got pregnant the first time they had unprotected sex. How does that work? How is that fair? I’ve had sex with you several times without any protection and not gotten pregnant. I even got sperm shot up my vagina and it didn’t take. Am I broken? Is it even possible for me to get pregnant?”
“Shh,” I said, wrapping her in my arms. “You were pregnant before. You have to relax. Stress can affect your ability to get pregnant. Give yourself a break. You are pushing yourself too hard. You have time, Lara. Relax and let nature take its course.”
She wiped her eyes, then sat up and looked at me. “I still want to try with you. You are fertile, right?”
I almost choked on my own spit. I could safely say I had never been asked that question in my life until Lara came back into it. Now, my ability to impregnate her had been questioned twice. I was going to develop a complex.
“I don’t know. I haven’t technically checked, but I think I should be able to try before I have my sperm counted. Don’t you?”
The way she looked at me told me she was seriously considering it. She burst out laughing, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
“Fine, but if you don’t knock me up soon, I’m moving on to the next sperm donor.”
I sat up, shaking my head. This had to have been the weirdest conversation I had ever had in my life.
Chapter 29
Good, but ouch. I didn’t think there was a single inch of my body that wasn’t suffering from whisker burns. My ankles were even a little raw, which brought up a very vivid memory. Mason was an absolute god in bed. We’d had some good sex, but this weekend had been earth-shattering. My body felt like putty.
Every muscle felt worked over, like I had been through a grueling yoga class. I had flexed and worked muscles I didn’t even know I had. I was pretty sure I could probably try out for a circus act. My body had been bent in ways I never knew it could. Every position involved his cock buried deep, deep inside me, taking me to new levels of pleasure I hadn’t thought I could ever experience.
My tormenter leaned over me, kissing me on the lips. “Good morning.”
I smiled and leisurely stretched. “Hi.”
“I have to get going. I’ll call you tonight. Have a good day at work.”
“Bye,” I said with a smile that I was pretty sure was permanently in place now.
I allowed myself to lie in bed a few more minutes after he left, relishing in what was an extended afterglow. I didn’t want to get out of bed and put a hand to my flat stomach. If Mason was going to get me pregnant, it would have happened this weekend. I couldn’t even count how many times we’d had sex in the past forty-eight hours. He had offered to use a condom, but I was not going to change my mind.
Drunk or sober, I wanted his baby. I would deal with what all that meant another time. Right now, I had to get to work.
When I walked into work, Kali was ogling one of the new handmade items I had procured.
“You look like a fat kid who wants cake,” I teased.
She sighed. “These are seriously the cutest things I have ever seen. I want them all, but damn, they are expensive.”
I chuckled. “You pay for quality.”
“Is the thread made of spun gold?”
I laughed again. I had to agree with her a little, but I had seen how much work went into making these beautiful clothes.
“Uh, you’re glowing, again,” she said, finally looking at me. “You got laid. A lot, judging by the way you’re moving.”
I blushed but didn’t deny it.
Kali pi
cked up a blanket and ran her hand over it. I had a feeling it would be like this for the next nine months. It was going to be very odd working with a pregnant woman—especially if I couldn’t get pregnant.
On a happier note, I envisioned the customers coming into the store and seeing two pregnant women running the place. I hoped that would be good advertisement. Once the babies were born, we could give real reviews of the items.
I shook my head, snapping myself out of my daydream. The fact was, I was not pregnant and had to prepare myself to accept the possibility that I couldn’t get pregnant. Though unlikely, it was possible that my one shot at having a child may have died with my miscarriage.
“How are you feeling?” I asked her.
“Fine. Totally normal. I’m just waiting for the morning sickness to hit.”
I smiled, thinking back to my brief bout with morning sickness. It had lasted only a couple weeks and then it was all over.
“That’s good. How’s Brian taking it? He seemed a little in shock when he told me.”
“He’s coming around. At first he was definitely in shock, but the idea is growing on him.”
“Good. Have you guys talked about the future?”
The grin on her face told me they most definitely had. “I’m going to be moving in next month.”
I almost choked. “What?”
“I know!” she squealed. “Can you believe it? A month ago, I was a single woman, playing the field, and now I’m pregnant and moving in with a man I barely know!”
“Uh, no, I can’t believe it. Wow. You guys are moving really fast.”
I couldn’t quite feel the same enthusiasm as she did. Brian was my big brother, and as much as I loved Kali, I was worried the whole thing was going to blow up in their faces.
“You’re not happy about it?”
“I am. I just—well, I guess I have some reservations. Obviously, it doesn’t matter what I think since you two are the ones involved. Was this your idea or his?”
I could see the moment her hackles went up and realized I had put her on the defensive.