Misbehave: A Navy SEAL Romance Read online
Page 15
I looked from a distance and could already see that Cam had opened the door and entered inside. We strolled as fast as we could at Emmy’s pace, and we made it back. I picked Emmy up into my arms and carried her into the living room. I sat her down on the couch and removed her harness and jacket and placed her on the floor to play for a few minutes while I spoke to Cam.
“Cam, I should apologize for all that behavior of my dad’s; he was a bit over the top,” I said as I sat on the couch. “And he gets defensive by being offensive, if you know what I mean.”
Cam looked at me. “Your dad was very subtle, and he was very brutal in his words and his questions. It was like Chinese water torture, he dripped and dripped little snippets of information and questions which tapped, tapped on my brain. Every time he opened his mouth, I was thinking, did he know? Or did he no know about us? And my mind was turning into mush,” he explained.
“He’s just being cautious and concerned. Most of all though, he just wanted to see why I was spending so much time over at your place, that’s all,” I said calmly.
“It was his freaking idea in the first place. So if he questions it, he should be questioning himself first,” Cam replied, grabbing a glass of water. “I never want to sit through anything like that again, especially if it is not my choice.”
“You can’t blame him for wanting to know what’s going on. What father wouldn’t be curious? I’m sure you would be a hell of a lot worse than that if you were in his situation?” I asked.
“I suppose you’re right, but it is just I beg… well you know,” he said while sipping from his glass.
“You have no need to worry though. We have been cool all the way through. If he had suspected anything, he would have lost it, I’m sure,” I said, trying to reassure him.
“Yes, I know.”
“Dad will have satisfied his curiosity already from the conversation you’ve had,” I added assuringly.
“That is the problem though. Katie, I do worry. It’s not like we are boyfriend and girlfriend. I have Emmy to consider and a long career behind me. God, and hopefully, still in front of me. All of this needs to be considered. I can’t just lose everything because your dad gets pissed with me for something which is quite trivial. He can just end my career with one phone call,” Cam said.
Dad doesn’t know anything. I’m sure of it. And, I’m sure Cam could have spotted the moment Dad did think something had happened.
“I understand all that, but like I say, no one knows any different, apart from you and me, it’s not like we have been seen out holding hands or anything,” I said.
“That’s easy for you to say. You’re still young, and if you make a mistake, you’re at the age you will not be affected much. You’ll be able to put it all down as an experience,” he said.
I listened to what Cam had said, and I could see he had been bothered about the whole ordeal. And it had put a dark cloud over us. But, I knew it would blow over and he was just having a gut reaction to having a dinner with my dad and all of his probing questions.
After all, he was the fucking Admiral, and how many guys get to do that? Never mind the ones who are screwing the Admiral’s daughter without any signs of a relationship going on. What made it all the more ironic though, was it was actually Dad’s idea for me to go around to Cam's house to help out. It was like he wanted to be in control of me, and when he was, he wanted to know what was going on as well.
Geez, old people. Who want’s to be one of them.
Cam wandered around and washed Emmy before he dressed her into her night clothes and got her ready for bed. That should have been the sign for me to leave; yet I wanted to hang around for just a little while longer. I wandered around Cam's living room and looked at the old photos from his days on tour and then noticed that he had left his phone on the table.
As soon as I noticed the cell phone, my mind went back to the call he cut off during dinner. Had he seen who was calling or had he just turned it off without looking?
I could hear him in the bedroom playing with Emmy as he put her to sleep. I cautiously turned on his cell and waited for the home screen to appear. I flicked through his phone until I found the call history. I opened the folder and could see a few entries which were old and then I found the one from dinner. As clear as day, the name was there. Karry.
Fuck, he has lied? He's seeing her and just using me for a quick fuck.
I listened quietly as the noise from the bedroom subsided and Cam quietly returned to the living room.
“You never explained your so-called date in any detail,” I asked.
“Well, it was eventful, and all on Owen’s side. Debbie, his date, was okay, but her friend, well she was not my type at all,” he said as he walked to sit down.
“Do you plan on seeing her again? You know, are you gonna have a second date?” I asked.
“Not at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if I never heard from her again,” he said and sat on the couch.
“Did she have a name?” I quizzed him.
“Yes, and it was so funny. Owen called her Kally, and her name was Karry,” Cam said while resting back on the couch.
I laughed sarcastically. “Ah, I see. You never actually went into any detail about it,” I said.
“Why do you ask?” Cam asked in a confused sort of way.
I looked at him and I knew he would be angry that I had checked his phone, but I was sure I could make him realize that it was him that was at fault. It was not me who had a mysterious woman calling my phone. I wondered though if I could twist it slightly on how I presented the question to him.
“Hey Cam, did you check who that was calling you during dinner?” I asked.
“No, probably no one important. It could have been Owen just wanting to bug me about something,” he replied uninterested.
“Here you go, check your phone. Then you won’t have to worry,” I said and handed him his cell phone.
I gave it to him.
“You don’t want to regret anything.”
“I will do it later. I’m not really in the mood to be bothered with it now. I have had enough for one evening,” he replied and placed his phone on the couch.
“Okay, if I have a look, I will let you know who it was, okay?” I asked.
“Sure, why not, just let me know who it was,” he said, resting his head back and closing his eyes.
“If it was Owen, don’t even bother telling me it was him calling,” he said.
“Karry it says here,” I said.
Cam sat upright and looked a little flustered. I had managed to twist it slightly so he wouldn’t know I had checked his phone.
Got you Cam, hook, line, and sinker. There is no escaping this one.
“Who is Karry?” I asked as I looked confused, on purpose.
“It is, um, no one important, that…,” he started to say.
Here was my chance to question him about his budding romance with Owen’s girlfriend.
“It's that woman from your blind date, isn’t it?” I growled.
“Um, yes, it is,” he answered looking slightly flushed.
“So, you’re seeing her?” I questioned him.
“No, it is nothing like that at all--” Cam tried to say.
I cut him off mid-sentence. “Don’t fucking lie to me. How would you get her number on your phone if there was not something planned hey? Hmm, answer me that!” I yelled angrily.
“Katie, stop!”
“Was she calling to arrange a second date?” I screamed through gritted teeth.
“Nothing is going on. Fuck. She just wanted to give me her number in case I changed my mind. Just check the phone history,” he added.
I looked at the phone history and could see it was empty apart from one call on the night when he had his meeting with her. But he could have quite easily have used the landline.
He better not be lying.
“I’m sorry Cam, I think you’re telling me lies, and I don’t li
ke it.”
“Katie. You’re being ridiculous and a bit fucking childish, if I do say so myself,” Cam said. HeHHe stood up and walked to the kitchen.
“Well, Cam, just look at the fucking evidence, will you? You’re the one who went out, and you’re the one who had a phone call. I have done nothing like it apart from wanting to be with you,” I said irately.
“Katie, what the fuck am I going to do with you? God, you just drive me crazy sometimes,” he said.
“All with good reason Cam. All with good fucking reason,” I answered in a harsh tone.
“Just let me say something, will you?” he barked.
“Keep going. Let's see what else you have to say,” I said sarcastically.
“Well, if I did not care so much for you, I would tell you to fuck off out right now and never to come around here or have any contact with Emmy or myself,” he snarled.
I looked at him a little shocked, but I didn’t want to show it.
“And, Katie dear, I sure as hell wouldn’t sit through a fucking interrogation with your dad at dinner time, just to keep him fucking happy,” he snarled.
“Cam, I a…,” I tried to say.
“What the fuck has anything got to do with you anyway. Fuck. It’s my life. I should be able to do as I see fit. So, what if I wanted to see you? But why to bring all this shit down on me?” he said in a raised tone.
“I have told you what happened, and if you and your dad can’t accept it, well you might as well just go on and go,” he said, still not raising his voice.
Fuck Katie, have you fucked it for yourself?
“Cam, I’m so sorry to have doubted you, it is…,” I attempted to say.
“Trying to get out of it now, are we?’ he answered as he cut my sentence short.
“No, I’m not trying to get out of anything. I’m just trying to say that I’m having really strong feelings toward you. God… and not just some girly crush. They’re real meaningful emotions,” I stated in a timid voice.
“So, I suppose you’re trying to say that you’re sorry for the way you have acted,” Cam asked.
“Well, yes, I’m,” I replied.
“Katie, you just blow hot or cold. I asked you to trust me, and you went in the opposite direction when I had to trust you,” Cam snarled.
I listened to everything Cam had said. I felt like a stupid kid for the way I went off the rails and blamed him for one phone number on his cell phone that he had apparently not even called.
I decided to stop things from becoming any worse and walked to the door.
I turned to Cam and watched as he stood there and watched me open the door. “Cam, I’m leaving.”
He didn’t say a word but ignored me. Yep. He was still pissed off.
Chapter 21
The same situation had risen again; Katie and I had been in a heated discussion, and she hadn’t come to the house again. I’d thought Tuesdays was my unlucky day with Katie, but that was just a silly thought and a feeble excuse to justify my actions.
I had stewed on the conversation all week, and even Owen, ‘Mr. Sympathetic’ himself, had also been supportive. I’d slipped back to my routine, and already I could see that the warmth that Katie had brought into the house had quickly vanished. Fuck, the atmosphere was cold and clinical, and the vibrant sound of laughter with Emmy had disappeared.
Even Emmy had noticed, over just a couple of days. Katie had not been at home to play with her, and she had already started to look, and see if Katie was hiding in the other rooms as part of a game. Once Emmy realized Katie was not there, she began to quiz me, and I hated the fact I had to make excuses of where Katie was and why she hadn’t visited. It had only been a couple of days, but it felt like a lifetime.
Come on Cam, man up and face it. You can’t be without her.
I decided to take some drastic action and ask Katie if she wanted to go on a date rather than just hanging around the house and having some great sex.
I searched for my cell phone and scrolled through my contacts. To I, J and stopped at K, I was just about to call Katie and noticed Karry’s number was the entry just before. Why not kill two birds with one stone… I nuked her number from my contacts. She had caused enough trouble.
Sorry, Karry.
I called Katie’s number without any hesitation.
“Hello,” I heard Katie say on the line.
“Hi Katie, I was wondering what you’re up to?” I asked quietly, waiting for hell fire.
“Well, look who it is. I suppose you’re after a sitter for this evening?” she asked sarcastically.
“As a matter of fact. And you’re very, very far from the truth. I just called to see if you wanted to go out to dinner? Hmm, that is, if you want to go with me?” I asked.
“Yes, I will go out with you to dinner. Can I ask where we are going?” she asked.
“Santino’s Italian restaurant, out on highway seven,” I replied.
“Ah, a very nice place that is. Have you ever been?” she replied.
“No, and my surprise would have been ruined if you knew it?” I said, slightly disgruntled.
“I said I knew it. I didn’t say I have ever been there. And there is a difference. Maybe you should use that methodology in your relationships,” she said with a slight giggle.
“Katie, I may just follow your advice from now on,” I said, excited that she’d agreed.
“I will make arrangements with Mrs. Hyndley and I will meet you outside the church at 8 pm. So don’t be late,” I said.
“Just worry about yourself, and I will worry about me,” she said jokingly.
I was overjoyed that she had accepted and I hoped it was a good step on the way to putting things right between us.
I showered, dressed and looked pretty damn hot for a Navy guy who was going out on a date. Mrs. Hyndley arrived on the dot as always, and I headed off toward the church.
I checked the time, and it was a quarter to eight. There was no sign of Katie approaching. I parked the car and waited outside the church. Just then, I noticed an elegant blonde lady walking towards me. Wow, she looked quite stunning from a distance. Whoever it was.
Come on Katie, show yourself…
I checked my watch and it was 7.55 pm. There was still no sign of Katie. I started to wonder if she had stood me up and changed her mind rather than meeting me.
The blonde woman stood at the far side of the church and looked down the road.
Eight o’clock and Katie had still not shown. The night sky had gone darker and the street lamps had started to come on. I bowed my head and thought I would give her another five minutes or so and then I’d have to call it a no show.
I heard the blonde woman’s heels as she clipped and clopped in my direction.
“Hi Cam,” I heard Katie’s voice.
I raised my head and was amazed at what I saw standing in front of me.
“Katie, you look, but you were, she…,” I tried to say as I pointed to where the blonde woman had stood.
Dear God, Katie, is that you?
“Yes Cam, it was me all along. I was watching you and I could see that you did not know it was me who had dressed up all fine like a woman,” she said as she ran her hands over her sexy curves.
“I also noticed how agitated you were getting towards eight o’clock,” Katie said.
“You look hot, no, you look more than hot. Wow, you look absolutely gorgeous. Where’s the kid? The one I knew. Did you leave her at home?” I asked with a chuckle.
“Did I not say never judge a book by its cover?” she replied.
“Well, I was fucking wrong from start to finish,” I said and picked my jaw up off the floor again.
I was in total shock; Katie looked so God-damned sexy. I wished I had not booked a table at the restaurant. Fuck, I could quite easily drive straight home and have the greatest sex known to man, if this is how she usually dressed. I was aroused and wonde
red what she had on beneath her clothes.
“Come on, let’s get going. I’m starving,” Katie said as she sauntered toward the car.
We arrived at Santino’s and the waiter greeted us.
“Good evening, Sir, and Miss Katie. It’s nice to see you again,” he said and led us to our table.
“I thought you had never been before?” I asked.
“Cam, that is the first lie I have ever told you,” she replied and winked at me.
I was shell-shocked. I even found myself looking around the ornately-decorated restaurant at the other women, just to make sure I was not dreaming.
How could Katie transform from a bit of a rough jewel to a magnificent diamond that sat before me?
“Let’s order first, and then Katie, there are a few gaps in your life that you can have the pleasure of filling in for me,” I said.
“Now Cam, it will be my pleasure. Just make sure you’re not bored. I hate boring people,” she said, while rubbing her foot against my leg.
Damn, I would love to give it to her on the table.
The waiter came with our meals and we started to eat. All the while, my eyes were fixed on Katie’s beauty, and my ears were firmly fixed on her every word.
“I have said it already, and it is worth saying again. I’m impressed with the way you look,” I sat in awe of her beauty.
“Well Cam, thanks for the comments. I appreciate them. And that’s as good as anything to fill in the gaps for you,” Katie said and started to eat her dinner with all the correct manners.
Like a real lady.
“First off, that little girl you know and love so well, is not the real me,” she explained. “This is my natural persona.”
“What you see around the base is, well, that is not me by a mile. Daddy’s little rich girl is the side of me I hide from everyone until it is time for them to know the real me,” Katie said.
“I can understand that completely. And, it is better they know you as a spoilt brat rather than a princess with a deep bank account. Fuck, I would keep that quiet as well,” I replied.
“If you look in my closet, you can count the pairs of shorts and sweatpants I have on one hand. But dresses like this… I have God knows how many. So, when I’m at college, I’m a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde. Beauty school drop-out in college, and fashion debutant everywhere else,” she explained.