Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance Page 14
“Yes. Morning, sir,” she said timidly.
Her nervousness made me want to run down the hall and rip her out of the meeting, but I knew this was our only shot. She sat in their office exchanging niceties for several moments, waiting for them to bring the subject up. I glanced over at the time, my patience running thin. What were they waiting for? I knew the only reason they had her back this morning was to see if she was going to agree to their little scheme. Maybe they thought being nice would get them their way.
“So, have you thought about our offer?”
“I have,” she said. “I just want to be one hundred percent sure I understand the terms.”
“Of course,” Arthur said, making me cringe. “It’s very simple, black and white really. You come in on a day specified, fuck both of us, either together or separately, depending on our schedules, and you get this whole little ordeal with you and the professors wiped away.”
“Even though it isn’t true,” she pointed out.
“Good girl,” Ben whispered, watching the phone.
“Well, once you’ve agreed, I don’t care what the truth is,” Jeffrey laughed.
“I’ll even throw in something to sweeten the deal,” Arthur said.
“What’s that?” I was proud of how confident and strong Kylie sounded.
“I’ll give you a personal recommendation when you graduate,” he said. “A recommendation from the provost of an Ivy League school is worth its weight in gold. The caveat is that you keep this a secret even after you’ve graduated.”
“I see,” Kylie said. “All right, I agree.”
“Wonderful,” Jeffrey replied. “Now stand up and do a little twirl for us.”
The phone shuffled as she moved and then became quiet again. I felt sick to my stomach that they were talking to her that way. I wanted to kick both of their asses right then and there, but I had to remember that what we had coming was much better.
“You are wearing the perfect thing,” Jeffrey said. “Short skirt, stockings, and low-cut top.”
“Don’t forget the heels,” Arthur said with excitement.
“I would ask a favor,” Kylie said.
“All right,” Jeffrey replied with irritation. “What is it?”
“That our meetings be scheduled for Thursdays,” she replied. “I’m here in this building already, and I have a short day on Thursdays. Otherwise, it might seem suspicious that I’m in the building when I don’t have any classes.”
“Hmm, you’re right,” Jeffrey replied. “Arthur, take out your appointment book and look at Thursdays.”
There was some random mumbling back and forth while Kylie sat there patiently. She was being so brave, and it really warmed me knowing she was so unselfish that she put herself in that position, after just finding out she was pregnant, and all to save women she had never met from suffering. She was truly inspirational, and I couldn’t understand how Ben couldn’t see that.
“Thursday’s work for me,” Arthur said.
“Me too,” Jeffrey replied. “It’s actually the only day neither of us is getting pussy or blowjobs from other students.”
“So, I’m not the only one?”
“That’s really none of your concern,” Arthur snapped.
“It just made me feel better knowing my fellow students were facing this choice as well,” she said. “My apologies.”
“No need to apologize, my dear,” Jeffrey said. “You are not the only one, no. You are joining the ranks of many young women who understand what it means to get ahead in this world. You’re a realist, and you know this life does nothing but chew you up and spit you out unless you’re willing to take it by the horns.”
“Right,” Kylie replied kindly. “Well, if that is all, I have a class to get to. I will see you both on Thursday.”
“We are very much looking forward to it,” Arthur replied.
I sat back and listened as she walked out of the room and into the hall. None of us said anything for several moments. When I heard the office door shut, I picked up Ben’s phone and turned off the mute button. To say that I was pissed was an understatement. Those two idiots had been running a sexual assault ring for I didn’t know how long, ruining the lives of innocent women. They had decided that my Kylie was next on their list, and they’d treated the whole meeting as if they were scheduling time for tea with her. It was disgusting and made me feel terrible. I couldn’t even imagine how Kylie was feeling after being in that room all alone. If I had my way, though, she would never have to be in there with them again, nor any other woman for that matter. Men like them deserve to be embarrassed, persecuted, and hung up for their crimes.
“Are you all right?” I cleared my throat and waited for her answer.
“Hold on,” she whispered.
I could hear the clacking of her heels through the phone and the grew louder for a moment as she passed the door to Ben’s office and then continued down the hall. I wanted to hug her, to hold her, and to tell her how fantastic she did, but it was safer for her to keep going. We didn’t want to take any chances that she might be caught with us before we had a chance to talk with the president.
“Okay, I’m outside in the parking lot,” she said. “That was really intense. I mean, it wasn’t as horrible as last time with Arthur touching me, but it was definitely not comfortable. Did you get everything?”
“We did,” Ben said. “You did a good job. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” she sighed. “If it will help catch these guys, it is worth it.”
“Are you okay?” I was worried about her.
“I’m okay,” she said. “Just tired. I am going to go home and get some rest. Let me know what you guys come up with, okay? I just want this to be over with.”
“I’ll let you know, and take care of yourself,” I said. “Call me if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” she said. “Piper’s home, so I’m sure I’ll have everything I need. She is being really great about everything. We’ll talk about all this later, though. I don’t want anyone here hearing about it. I have enough issues with bullies at this school, I don’t need to fan the flames any further.”
“I agree,” I said. “Be careful getting home.”
“You too,” she said, hanging up the phone.
I hung up and put the phone down on the desk, double-checking that I had turned my recording off, which I had. It felt good to be doing something that would help others, but I couldn’t get our current situation off my mind. I looked up at Ben who was standing by the window in his office, watching out over the courtyard. It was an overcast day, and they were calling for snow flurries on and off. He turned around and walked back to his desk, sitting down and looking over at me.
“We should talk about things,” I said.
“I don’t know what to say to you,” he replied. “It’s not black and white here. I know that makes me look like an asshole, but I don’t really give a damn anymore. This is my life too.”
“It is,” I said. “And you have every right to feel whatever way you want to, but remember that you aren’t the only one affected and that your choices affect other people.”
“Grant, I know you’re just trying to be helpful, but I’m not a child. I understand the effect I can have on Kylie and this whole situation,” he said with irritation. “I just found out yesterday. I need some time to think things through.”
“I don’t think it’s a matter of time. Time won’t change anything,” I said. “I’m in all the way. I don’t see that there’s any choice in the matter.”
“I don’t know what I want to do,” Ben said. “And I need you to respect that for right now.”
“I do respect that, but know there will be a time your answer needs to be final and resolved,” I said. “There may come a time where I can’t respect your choice with this. It’s not only about Kylie or you or me even. It’s about a child, an innocent child who has nothing to do with your career or your choices in life.”
am fully aware of this,” Ben said.
“Don’t break Kylie’s heart, okay?” I stood up and grabbed my phone. “I’ll email you that voice recording in your private email account.”
Ben nodded his head, and I walked out of his office, heading for the parking lot for air. Everything was so big right then, and between the dean and Kylie’s pregnancy, I had about all I could take for the day. I wanted Kylie to be happy, and I knew that without Ben, it would be really hard on her.
Chapter 24
By the time I had gotten home from school, I was completely mentally drained. The last two days had taken a toll on me that I wasn’t expecting. I was exhausted down to the bone, but my anxious mind kept me moving. I walked in the door and was glad that Piper had gone grocery shopping. I just wanted a little bit of peace and quiet. I turned my phone on silent, not wanting to be disturbed. I went to my room and changed into some comfortable clothes, tossing the skirt and top in the laundry bin. I felt like it needed to be washed in fire to get the stench radiating from Arthur and Jeffrey off it.
I grabbed my laptop and set it on the bed, pulling myself up and lying down for a minute. I stared up at the ceiling, realizing that I wasn’t physically feeling that bad, except for being tired and slightly grumpy. I was only experiencing morning sickness in the morning, which I was thankful for. I had a friend in my undergrad program who had gotten pregnant, and the poor girl had morning sickness all day every day for over six weeks. They ended up putting her on medication to control it. I didn’t know if this would all change as time advanced, but for the moment, dealing with a tiny bit of nausea in the morning wasn’t that bad.
I ran my hands down over my stomach, thinking about the baby growing inside. I still couldn’t believe I was pregnant, something I had told myself I wouldn’t do until I was stable, in a relationship, and in a nice house with a great job. I guessed life didn’t really listen to what I wanted in situations like these. I wondered what the baby would look like and whether it would be a girl or a boy. It didn’t really matter to me who the father was. I cared for Grant and Ben the same, and I felt like we were all connected anyway. I could tell by Ben’s reaction, though, that he did care about it, and I wondered what he would ultimately decide to do.
“Knock, knock.” Piper stood in the doorway. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” I said, pulling myself upright. “A little tired, but okay.”
“I got you some of the food you said you were craving,” she said smiling. “It’s all in the kitchen. You want me to bring you something?”
“I’m not really hungry right now,” I said. “But thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you here.”
“Did the guys say anything else about it this morning?”
“No,” I sighed. “I mean Grant was sweet and worried, but Ben was pretty much all business with me. I am trying to be understanding. This is a huge deal for all of us.”
“Yeah, but he is acting selfish,” Piper said. “At least in my opinion.”
“I guess I can’t really judge him, you know? I mean, if I were in that situation, how would I react?”
“Are you kidding me?” Piper laughed. “You are like the most caring person in the world. You would be Grant hands down. I saw you comfort that girl in the shop the other day. That was a really sweet thing for you to do.”
“I try to treat people like I would want to be treated.” I shrugged.
“Well, you’re doing an amazing job at life.” She smiled. “I’ve got a gallery meeting, so I am going to breeze out of here. I have my phone. Call me if you need anything.”
“I will, and good luck,” I said.
She crossed her fingers and left the room, pulling my door shut behind her. I dragged the laptop into my lap and went to Google, deciding it was time to find out about this pregnancy stuff. I spent several hours combing through the overabundance of information on the web, my eyes bulging every time I read some crazy information about labor. I decided to stick to info on the first trimester, so I didn’t completely freak myself out. Going through the list of symptoms made me realize I was pretty lucky to only be feeling what I was feeling. There were things like constipation, headaches, and runny nose that I hadn’t gotten, not yet at least. I knew it had to be early on in my pregnancy, so I didn’t want to count my chickens before they hatched.
One of the things I researched was hormones, trying to explain why I was so damned horny. Apparently, there was a surge in hormones, and the horniness could last quite a long time in my pregnancy. It was almost crazy how much I wanted to have dirty, hot sex with Grant and Ben. I couldn’t keep my mind off the subject. Even right then, as I was reading articles and typing away on the computer, I could feel the tingle between my legs. My nipples were hard as rocks, and I had the sudden urge to go to the school and fuck the hell out of both of them. I knew I couldn’t do that, though, so I would have to make other arrangements.
I closed my laptop and put it back on the desk, walking over and locking my bedroom door. I felt naughty like I was doing something I shouldn’t be doing, and it was really exciting. I stripped my clothes off and climbed over the bed, feeling the softness of the blankets underneath of me. I lay down on my back and ran my hands up and down my skin, my palms moving over my nipples. I let out a deep breath and relaxed, sliding my hand down in between my legs and started rubbing my pussy. In my mind, I imagined walking into Ben’s classroom, which was bigger than Grant’s, seeing the two of them standing at the bottom teaching an auditorium full of students.
I walked down the steps slowly, completely naked, looking around at the students in their seats. No one seemed surprised to see me there, and everyone stared ahead, waiting for me to arrive at the bottom. Grant reached out his hand as I stepped down the last step and walked me forward, standing me in front of everyone. I wasn’t embarrassed at all and, instead, found the entire situation extremely erotic. Having all those eyes on me, watching and waiting for Grant and Ben to take a step toward me. The anticipation was almost too much for me to handle, even in my own mind.
Grant walked up behind me and ran his hand around my waist and down between my legs, cupping my wet mound. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, feeling his lips pressing against my neck. I whimpered, wanting more, feeling the juices start to gather between my legs. He moved his hand over to mine and grabbed it, turning with a smile and leading me over to the desk. Ben was lying on the desk, fully naked now, his hard cock sticking straight up in the air. I smiled and climbed up on the desk, straddling Ben and sliding down his shaft. He reached up and grabbed my waist, immediately starting to bounce me up and down on his cock.
I looked up, passion flying through me as Grant stood on the other side, now completely naked as well, stroking his big cock. The class was all there, staring down, watching us make love as if we were part of the class demonstration. I leaned my head back as he pounded into me, feeling my body heating faster and faster. I opened my eyes for just a moment, staring around my bedroom but quickly shut them again, taking myself back to the classroom. I screamed out, reaching my climax, wanting more and more. My body shuddered as waves of pleasure moved through me, my pussy clenching tightly to Ben’s dick. He didn’t say a word, only stared up at me with lust, rubbing his fingers over my nipples as I continued to bounce up and down.
I looked around for Grant but didn’t see him, so I focused back on Ben, bringing his hand to my face as I pushed down on him, grinding my body against him. That orgasm wasn’t enough. I wanted more. I wanted to keep going until we were all so tired, I could barely move. He smiled up at me, his hands reaching around and squeezing my ass really hard for several moments. He nodded his head, and I turned to see Grant, standing behind me, holding his erection in his hand, ready for me.
I lifted off Ben, and he got up on his knees as I crawled forward on all fours. Grant ran his hand up and then back down my back, kneeling behind me on the desk and slowly guiding his cock through my
juices. He pushed deep and slow, holding himself inside of me for a moment before pulling back out and doing it all over again. My breath left my lungs when I felt the enormity of his cock filling me up. I turned my head back toward Ben, and he rubbed his dick across my lips, nodding at me. I smiled and opened my mouth wide, sheathing my teeth, and taking the entire thing down my throat.
Just feeling both of them inside of me like that made me want to come again, and I closed my eyes, enjoying every movement of Ben and Grant. I reached my fingers between my legs and rubbed my clit as Grant grabbed my ass cheeks and railed me, pushing me forward and back on Ben’s cock. Ben groaned, looking down at me with a smile as he held the base of his shaft, watching me deep throating him over and over again. Grant slapped my ass, causing a low rumble in my chest, making me want both of them inside of me. I sat there thinking about my ass being full for several moments, and then they both stopped, pulling out and staring at me. I knew they could read my mind.
I sat up as Ben lay back down on the desk, holding his cock up in the air. I smiled as I crawled forward, straddling him and lowering down on his dick. I breathed in deeply, feeling Grant bend me forward, my lips just inches from Ben’s mouth. I could feel his cock entering my ass, and I screamed out in pleasure, pushing myself backward, so he could go deeper inside. Ben reached up and grabbed my waist and began to push his cock up into me while Grant did the same from behind. I looked over at the packed classroom, rubbing my tits and groaning in pleasure. It was so erotic and so sensual, probably the hottest fantasy I had ever had.
I sat there getting all my holes filled, feeling the ecstasy of everything building in my stomach. I screamed as both men moved faster, every part of me receiving pleasure at the same time. I gripped down on my tits as my body began to tighten, the fire inside of me burning bright. As Grant pulled back and slapped my ass, the fire exploded, and I arched my back, crying out as orgasm filled every inch of me. I shook and shimmied on top of Ben until my body collapsed, my eyes closing tightly.