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Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance Read online

Page 14

  I thought about putting him in a cock ring, just sliding it on without ever giving him the option. I thought about sitting on his face every morning, waking him up with the taste of my pussy until I came all over his face. I shivered in my seat, trying to pull myself from my daydreams. But Grant’s voice in my ear pulled me back quicker than I ever could’ve done myself.

  “I’d love to know what you’re thinking about, beautiful, but you’re neglecting your notes,” Grant whispered in my ear. He’d walked over to me while the men at the table discussed something among themselves.

  Grant shot me a grin and took his place back at the head of the room. I focused on the meeting, but the tone seemed to have shifted. They were now comparing figures, or at least Grant was trying to get them to. He always came prepared with numbers and calculations, fighting for every side before convincing someone that his path was the right path because of monetary reasons. But the answers he was getting from this group of old men seemed vague.

  “If you allow me the opportunity to completely buy you out, I could give you the option of paying out your stock or merging it with our company,” Grant said. “If you paid out, I could give you that money upfront, and you could leave the table with a clean conscience. If you merged it with ours, then you’d have more money options than you would know what to do with.”

  “Well, we can crunch the numbers later,” one board member said. “Right now we’re just talking general terms.”

  “I sent over my general terms before this meeting,” Grant said. “Now we need to nail down which course this company intends to take.”

  “Well, we just aren’t sure if we want to fire that many employees so you can buy us,” someone said.

  “I’d only be firing twenty,” Grant said. “That’s all. And with all the positions opening up on my end of the company, as long as they were willing to relocate, I could hire them at headquarters. The firing would be a formality more than anything else.”

  He had an answer to everything, and yet these men were still shifting around in their seats. Some of them looked worried, some of them looked skeptical, and others simply looked a bit confused. The last board meeting I’d sat in on was filled with competent men who came with questions, figures, and thirst for knowledge.

  This pack of idiots looked like they had no clue as to what the hell was going on.

  Grant’s composure never cracked, though. “Let me ask you this: Do you know how much you guys will lose over the course of ten years if you decide not to merge with us?”

  “I assume you’re going to tell us,” someone said.

  If Grant didn’t know something was up, he did now. The attitude just thrown his way darkened his entire demeanor. They were blowing smoke up his ass, and he knew it. At the other board meeting, someone would’ve had that figure. A figure he was prepared to back up with slides as well as the paperwork he’d doled out. They all had files full of information sitting in front of them, and yet none of them had moved to look at it.

  Weren’t they taking any of this shit seriously? Their company was done, and the rising CEO of the East Coast wanted to take them on. What the hell was the floundering about?

  “Listen,” he began, showing admirable restraint, “I’m well aware that Alex Marks has had the lead on this acquisition up until this point. So, it must be throwing you guys that it’s me standing up here and not him. I can assure you, however, that I come with your best interests in mind. I’ve consulted with him on everything I’m proposing to you, and he’s on board. Now, another thought that’s just come to mind is to simply invest. Invest in your company and you could hire a new CEO and rebuild yourselves. The company would take stock options and ownership to the tune of thirty percent, and I could then become a personal lender. That way, you can keep your employees, your name, your connections, and this legacy of yours and continue on the road you’re going down.”

  “How much would you be willing to invest?” someone asked.

  “Finally, you’re showing some life,” Grant said. “For thirty percent, I’d be willing to invest three of the four million I was going to use to buy the company.”

  “Oh, we wouldn’t need that much,” one of them said. “We’re not hurting that badly for money. It’s more for our reputation’s sake. We’d probably hire a temporary public relations person to help fix our image, then just keep on truckin’.”

  I could see the shock roll behind Grant’s eyes. Were the idiots actually serious?

  “Right,” Grant said. “So is that an option I should discuss with my board?”

  Grant asked a question. He never asked question. He dictated. He commanded. He told them what was best, and then people just did it.

  Something was very wrong with this meeting.

  “How about this?” Grant asked. “How about you guys take the information in front of you and look it over? I’ll contact Alex before our meeting tomorrow, and we can come prepared to discuss the future path of your company and where J&M fits into all of that.”

  “And you’ll call Marks?” someone asked.

  Why the hell were they so intent on my father doing this bullshit? The owner of the fucking company was standing right here! Who did they think would have the last say in this deal anyway?

  “Yes. Thoroughly. But this deal can’t go anywhere if you have no clear path of projection. My numbers don’t mean anything. This growth doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have a goal in mind. Come prepared to talk specifics, gentlemen. Or you’ll be on your own to fix this mess.”

  And with that, Grant picked up his stuff and motioned to me. We walked out of the building and back to the car, leaving the room full of clueless men do to with the information what they would. I could tell by Grant’s demeanor that he was not happy, so we rode in silence back to the hotel suite. I could tell his mind was racing, and honestly, so was mine. That was very different from the first board meeting I’d sat in on, and even I knew something wasn’t right.

  I just wasn’t sure what.

  “Crissy?” Grant asked.

  “Yeah? What’s up?”

  “How would you like to go to dinner tonight? Out in the French Quarter?”

  “Sounds wonderful,” I said. “Where were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking Restaurant R’evolution. Ever heard of it?”

  “Nope,” I said.

  “Well, go get ready,” he said. “I’ll call the restaurant and tell them to prepare for our arrival.”

  The restaurant was incredibly fancy, with yet another menu that didn’t have prices on it. I figured he would be teaching me another lesson, but all we did was eat in relative silence. I could tell his mind was still spinning from the meeting this afternoon, so I kept my mouth shut.

  I knew he was thankful for the respect and silence, so my mind began to wander in order to fill the time. I thought back to the nasty thoughts I’d had during that dreadful board meeting, wondering if I had the guts to do any of it. I wondered if I had the guts to just take his hand and lead him through the crowd. I wondered if I had the guts to drag him to the bathroom of this restaurant and place his lips between my legs just so I could feel his warmth.

  When I came to, he was grinning at me, and I was suddenly ready to go.

  We walked out to the street, and it was filled with raucous drunks. He put his hand on the small of my back, steering me through a crowd that made me grow weak with nerves. My legs started shaking with every person that pushed into me, and for a split second, I thought Grant was going to have to carry me. Never in my life had I been around this many people who were whooping and hollering and having a good time, and I was painfully aware of how some of the men were looking at me.

  And while I might’ve enjoyed their lustful looks before, I found myself not enjoying the attention now.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when we finally got up to our suite. Grant shut the door behind me. My heels clicked across the hardwood floor, and as I turned to him, I caught his stare. He was sti
ll preoccupied with that meeting, and now I was just getting pissed. There was nothing we could do about it until tomorrow morning, so I did the only thing I knew I could do to take his mind off things.

  I slipped on a grin and pointed my finger toward the couch.


  Chapter 23


  I was shocked by Crissy’s command. There was an attitude behind her eyes I couldn’t quite place, and I thought about reminding her exactly who she was standing in front of. I’d had my chain yanked enough today, and I had a very important phone call I had to make with Alex, but the look in her eyes suggested that maybe she was just trying to get me to take a load off.

  So I did.

  I sat down, and she smiled at me before she disappeared into her bedroom. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Alex’s number, then held the phone to my ear. It rang and rang before it ultimately shot me to voice mail. I hung up before I called him again. It rang, and with each ring, my blood pressure skyrocketed. This time, I decided to leave him a little voice message, making sure he called me back before tomorrow.

  The men I’d met with earlier didn’t know their heads from their own asses. Alex had been so sure that this was what we needed to do, and yet they were incredibly unprepared. He had said he’d vetted this and had them all on board, but they acted like they hadn’t heard any of this shit in their entire lives. I knew Alex was talking with them because they were insistent I talk with him before tomorrow, but why? I was the owner of the fucking company. Did they not know that I had the final say in any decision anyway?

  Everything inside me was telling me to walk away from this deal. Them coming to the table wholly unprepared after seemingly being vetted by the junior executives and Alex turned me off to the entire thing. If that was the type of lackadaisical attitude that the company had, no wonder they were going under. They hadn’t failed because their CEO was an idiot with no privacy. They’d failed because they didn’t give a shit.

  I was not about to invest my company’s hard-earned money in people who didn’t give a shit.

  I needed to talk with Alex before tomorrow’s meeting. Something weird was going on, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. And until I had my reservations settled, no one was going anywhere with my money.

  I was scrolling through my emails on my phone, checking to see if Alex had sent me anything last minute. Then I heard heels clicking across the floor. I flicked my gaze up to search for Crissy, but when my eyes connected with hers, my jaw almost dropped to the floor.

  Crissy was done up in a tight black corset with a matching thong, and she had fishnets clinging to her thick-ass thighs and was wearing salacious, knee-high boots. My cock instantly sprang to attention as my mouth began to salivate, and suddenly, all reservations of the day melted from the forefront of my mind.

  Crissy stalked closer to me, her hips swaying in the darkness of the room. She plucked my phone from the couch cushion and tossed it to the floor, grinning as it clattered along the hardwood slats. My eyes grazed over her, my stomach suddenly hungry for dessert, and the moment she straddled my lap, I knew I was about to feast upon her body.

  “Now, what did I do to deserve something like this?” I asked as I planted my hands on her hips.

  But she slowly pried my grip from her before holding my hands up against the back of the couch.

  “I believe it’s quiz time, professor,” she said. “It’s time for me to show you how well I can apply your lessons.”

  She wanted to be in control. Her nose dipped to my neck, sniffing my cologne as my hands stayed pinned to the couch. This shit never happened. I was always in control. And after that damn board meeting today, I needed the control now more than ever. Her hips ground down into me as she pressed a kiss to my pulse point, and for a moment, I considered her offer. If she wanted a small little test, then a test is what she would get.

  It piqued my interest enough to allow her the moment.

  Her legs straddled my lap, and the radiant heat of her body cascaded around my cock. Her lips dragged themselves up to mine, kissing me lightly and pulling away before my tongue could take hers. I growled, wanting her nearer and closer to me, but all she did was giggle at my frustration.

  Her lips approached again, and her soft skin fluttered against mine. Her tongue darted out to lick my lower lip, drawing it between her teeth as I tried to move my hands. I wrenched them from the couch, and she pulled back, practically hopping off my lap as her eyes danced with excitement. She enjoyed the illusion of control, but little did she know the monster she was about to unleash.

  “You’re not a very patient student,” she said.

  “I never agreed to be the student,” I said. “I merely agreed to a test.”

  “And a professor doesn’t take the reins and do the test for the student, does he?” she asked.

  Without another word from me, she slowly slid back into my lap. She took my hands and placed them on her hips, her pussy leaking through the measly excuse for a thong and soaking my lap. I ran my hands up and down her fishnet-clad skin, feeling the dimples of flesh that dripped through the holes of the stockings. Her skin was sinful underneath my fingertips, the exact distraction I needed from the idiotic meeting earlier.

  I raised one of my hands and tried to touch her breasts. They were overflowing the top of the corset, beckoning my lips, my fingers, and my teeth. I wanted to take her, to peel her out of this costume, or maybe fuck her in it. I wanted her splayed out for me, tied to the bed, and lying there for me to fulfil my every whim with her. But she grasped my hands before she pinned them back to the couch.

  “You’re not the one in charge, Mr. Jacobs,” she said sternly.

  I didn’t want to have my control ripped from me, but I was willing to try for her. She was testing her boundaries, experimenting to see what she liked. I was willing to afford her that time, but the way her pussy was grinding down on my clothed cock had me leaking against my pants. I took deep breaths, trying to keep myself under control as her nose ran up and down the skin of my neck. I planted my heels into the floor, trying desperately to keep my cool as her lips slowly undid the buttons of my shirt.

  Holy fuck, that was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced.

  Her hips began to swirl, and I could feel my balls filling with cum. She nipped at my exposed chest, her tongue drawing pictures as my skin heated underneath her body. With each circular motion, she ground down a little harder, causing me to buck involuntarily into her before a groan got caught in my throat. I could feel her smirking against my skin, thinking she had somehow one-upped Grant Jacobs.

  But that wasn’t going to last for long.

  She teased me, harder and harder, and her hips swirled faster. Her nipping became biting, and her fingertips dug into my wrists. I was grinding up into her, dry-fucking her like some idiotic teenage boy as precum soaked the front of my pants. She was lightly panting against my skin as her lips traced the shell of my ear, and as my cock pulsed underneath her, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hang on.

  If she kept going, she’d be the first woman to ever make me come without ever touching my fucking cock.

  That shit wasn’t happening. Not tonight.

  Chapter 24


  I could tell he was getting frustrated, and I loved it. If he thought for one second he could deny me the way he did earlier and get away with it, he was sorely mistaken. I stood from his lap after teasing a kiss, watching his head travel toward me before I slid off his lap. He groaned with frustration, the anger evident behind his eyes. I bet it didn’t feel very good, getting a taste of his own medicine. But by the time I was done with him, he’d be thanking me.

  Before begging for more.

  I turned around so he could see my beautiful ass before my hands grasped the zipper. I slowly pulled it down, jiggling my ass a bit as I faked the zipper getting stuck just to add to his frustration.

  I turned around as the zipper unhooked
and peeled the corset from my body, exposing my breasts as his eyes roamed along my body. His hands were curling into his thighs as his cock raged behind his pants, and I smiled broadly at the wet spot growing on his trousers. Oh, the things I would make him feel by the time I was done with him.

  I wanted him trembling by the time it was over.

  I walked over toward him, and I turned back around. I lowered myself onto his lap, arching my back, and I dipped all the way back to him. I planted a small kiss on his nose, causing him to smirk before I started grinding my hips into him again. I swirled them around, making sure my waist flexed and relaxed. His hands ran up my arms, causing goosebumps to form as my ass cheeks rubbed against his cock.

  I knew what he was trying to do, and I had to keep my cool.

  He moved my hair away from my neck before he leaned in to kiss it. A small whimper peeled from between my lips, and I bit down on them before I started rolling my hips faster. His breath faltered against my skin, taken by surprise at the change of pace. His hands tried to slip around my body, tried to cup my tits when I’d specifically told him to keep his hands off.

  So, I swatted them away before I started giggling.

  “Such a bad, disobedient boy,” I said.

  “Oh, I’m no boy. I can promise you that.” His voice was husky and deep with his desire. It shivered me to my core, causing juices to leak from between my legs, which his pants soaked up. I had to regain the upper hand somehow. I couldn’t let him get to me.

  Not just yet.

  I switched my strokes from circles to lines. I raked myself against his cock, massaging it above his pants with my aching pussy. I could hear him panting, and his hips thrust up into me as he groaned with approval. The sounds dripping from his lips puckered my nipples, sending the barbells almost standing on end as I threw my head back. He buried his face in my hair, sniffing deeply as I felt his body beginning to tremble. He was about to blow his load right there in his pants like a little teenaged boy, so I had a bit of mercy on him.


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