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Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance Read online

Page 12

  So, I decided to obey him. I squeezed my thighs together one last time before I rolled over in bed, and my eyes landed on my phone just as it began to light up. I grabbed it, smiling when I saw Grant’s name scrolling across the screen, and I opened the message just before I fell asleep.

  I’m glad you’re safe. And remember, no touching.

  I giggled and rolled my eyes before I shuffled underneath the covers. I tossed and turned all night with tortured, erotic dreams starring no one else but Grant. I thought about him taking me in so many odd places, like the top of the Eiffel Tower or in the pool with my father in the house. I thought about the things his tongue could do between my legs and imagined him licking my pussy while I tried to type up the minutes from one of his meetings. All night, I tossed and turned with thoughts of him, waking up just before my body threw itself over the edge without even the slightest touch.

  If this was what I was going to endure during his “school year,” then it was going to be a very long semester.

  Chapter 19


  I’d been thinking about our little restaurant encounter for the past few days. I knew making her wait to come until I could get to her would make her orgasm that much stronger, but I was struggling to follow my own rules. I’d gotten used to taking cold showers to try to abate my raging cock. Every time I thought about how beautifully she obeyed me, even with that sinister stare, was almost enough to make me explode in my pants. On more than one occasion, I’d dreamed of her, fearing that I’d wake up with a wet spot at my dick like some horny, teenaged boy. The things this woman was screwing up inside me had my mind boggled, and I had enough lustful sense about me to order her into my office just so I could fuck her.

  I’d tell her to pull up that skirt and pull down her panties just so I could take what was mine. My cock was hardening as Crissy’s lips continued to move, talking to me about something the junior executives had put on her desk this morning. My eyes grazed down her body, thinking about those beautiful barbells and how perfectly they’d fit on the tip of my tongue. But just as I was about to order her to go close the door, a familiar voice wafted around into my office.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Grant, could I get a second?”

  I willed my erection to go away, and I dismissed Crissy as Alex walked in. He shut the door behind him, cutting off my line of sight to his daughter, and I took a few deeps breaths as he sat in the chair facing my desk. I needed my dick to get under control because I knew my right-hand man was bringing me information on this new acquisition, especially since a few things had changed about the deal.

  “So, first off,” he said, “how are you feeling with the changes?”

  “I’m not so sure it’s a smart move with them not wanting to actually sell,” I said. “If they were willing to turn everything over to me so we could absorb them, that’s one thing. But what these junior executives are proposing makes me nervous.”

  “Which is why I came to talk with you,” Alex said. “I’ve already done the preliminary legwork after Tike turned down our offer to completely buy them out, and it’s actually not a bad investment. Their reputation isn’t as tarnished since there was such swift work by the board to kick the CEO out, but now they’re running rudderless.”

  “Which was why I was going to buy the company in the first place,” I said.

  “Yes, but here’s what the junior executives are proposing: a hostile takeover.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Think about it. If you take the money you were going to spend purchasing and reinventing the place and simply buy up all their stocks while they are at their lowest price in the history of the company, that opens up doors for you to own another business. Not expand this one, but actually have a running resume of businesses you own, operate, coordinate, and profit from. That opens doors to things like creating your own holding company, which will pull in more investors. They’re always more willing to get onboard when a holding company is at stake, and if you play your cards right, you could actually rival Warren Buffett himself.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” I said, chuckling. “But I see what you’re getting at.”

  “Plus, the transition will be much easier,” he said. “Many people are bailing on the stock, and board members are thinking about simply cashing in theirs and running for the hills. You’d be able to create your own board members for this company without having to go through the hassle of replacing names on buildings and hiring new people.”

  I hadn’t had a chance to look over all the specs yet, so that had me a bit concerned. This was a far cry from what I was wanting to do, but I trusted Alex, as well as his team. They could be airheaded dogs at times, but when it came to making money and pushing this company forward, they all had great decisions with little risk involved. So, I decided to entertain the idea.

  “All right,” I said. “Assuming I’m on board with this, what’s our next step?”

  “My suggestion is to head straight for their headquarters. A hostile takeover is only hostile if no one knows what’s going on. Everyone is very well aware of the fact that they need someone to either swoop in and govern, or pick them apart and make them better.”

  “Their headquarters is in New Orleans, right?” I asked.

  “Yep. I figured I’d go down with Anderson in order to talk with people and see how onboard they would be for that type of plan. We’d meet with the guys and the members of the board who haven’t bailed yet. We’d put together a solid proposal, along with a baseline price for you to purchase their majority stock. Then, I’d bring it back to you, and we could discuss it.”

  “Anderson, huh?” I asked.

  “Yep,” he said. “Dylan’s been all over this thing since the words ‘hostile takeover’ left my mouth.”

  “Somehow, that doesn’t seem too reassuring,” I said.

  “He’s a good kid. Money hungry and ready to impress you, but a good kid.”

  I looked up and saw Crissy watching us from her desk. She was chewing on the edge of her pen, probably trying to figure out what it was we were talking about. I ripped my eyes from her, thinking about the business trip Alex was proposing, and suddenly, I was hit with an idea.

  “How about this?” I asked. “I’ll go on down to New Orleans and deal with all that stuff. You stay here and man the forts, and I’ll take Crissy along with me for the experience.”

  “Crissy?” he asked. “Why would she need the experience? And why don’t you just want me to go down with you?”

  “Because then our own company would be floating rudderless. Look, I’m ready to move forward with this deal. I’ve got a few questions I want to ask myself, but if they’re ready to do this deal, then I’m ready to close on it. I want to be expanding our influence somehow into the Midwest within the month, and if this hostile takeover gets me what I want, then I want it enacted before I leave. As far as Crissy is concerned, after the last board meeting we had, she expressed an interest in one day running her own company.”

  “She what?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I said. “And she’s incredibly bright, too. If she’s serious about that idea, then this would be a wonderful opportunity for her. It’s not every day a P.A. with business dreams gets to witness a hostile takeover. She’d be learning lessons she’d never learn in a classroom, or even trying to build her own business.”

  “And you think she’d be up for something like that?” he asked.

  “I do. She’s beginning to show a great deal of interest in the work we do around here, and she’s really put her nose to the grindstone. I told her I’d mentor her so long as she took her job seriously, and she has ever since. She’s a good kid. This’ll be a wonderful learning opportunity for her. Plus, this would help her learn how the negotiating process works, and we both know they don’t teach that kind of shit in college.”

  “No joke,” he said. “The first time I tried to negotiate something after I’d graduated college, I ended up losing two-hundred
thousand dollars because of a line in the contract I didn’t read.”

  “Yikes,” I said. “That’s rough. I remember mine, too. The deal was so bad because of all the things I forgot to consider that I almost lost the first house I ever purchased for Donna.”

  The room fell silent as I sat back in my chair. That was the first time I’d ever said her name aloud in a conversation that didn’t have anything to do with her death. Images of Donna in her wedding dress flooded my mind. She had looked so angelic on our wedding day. Her light blond hair had cascaded down her shoulders while her slender little fingers had curved around her bouquet. I could still remember the way she moaned into my skin that night, her thin legs locking around my broad hips.

  “I miss her, too, Grant,” Alex said.

  “Anyway,” I said, clearing my throat. “It’ll be good for Crissy, if you’re on board for it.”

  “Whatever you feel will help her get closer to her passions, I’m all for it,” he said.

  “Good,” I said. “Hold down the fort while I’m gone, all right? I’ll probably rent us a car and have us on the road by tomorrow. So, expect me to keep Crissy through at least the weekend. I’ll keep in touch with how negotiations are going.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “If there’s nothing else?” I asked.

  Alex got up and walked out of the room, but not before he took a second to look at his daughter. I watched a smile slowly spread across his cheeks before she looked up at him, their eyes holding one another’s in a very intimate moment. For the first time, I saw Alex be a father, praising his daughter silently while she looked at him with a strange sort of curiosity. That told me she wasn’t used to her father looking at her the way he currently was, and something inside me dropped at that notion. She deserved all the praise in the world for the type of woman she was growing into, and just as quickly as the moment had happened, it was gone.

  “Miss Marks, could you come in here please?” I called out.

  “Yes, Mr. Jacobs?”

  “I need you to do something for me. Get online and rent us a Mercedes-Benz GL-Class, please. It’s an SUV. Then, look up balcony suites in the heart of New Orleans. With two bedrooms please, and get it booked.”

  “Might I ask what it’s all for, Mr. Jacobs? And why you’re saying ‘we’?”

  “Because there’s a very important business trip I’m taking this weekend to New Orleans, and you’re accompanying me,” I said.

  Her eyes hooked onto mine as I raised my gaze to hers. I saw the excitement bubbling behind them, and for a split second, I wanted to wrap my arms around her. She looked so happy about the journey ahead, and I knew then and there that work would simply get in the way of what I really wanted to do, what I really wanted to focus on. But this acquisition was important, and I didn’t want anyone else negotiating it but me.

  This will be good for her. Deep breaths, Grant.

  “Make sure the suite you book has a balcony overlooking the heart of New Orleans and has two bedrooms,” I said.

  “You already said that, Mr. Jacobs.”

  “Then why are you still standing here?” I asked.

  “Because you haven’t dismissed me yet.”

  I nodded. “Well, get out of here, and go make those plans. Forward me the confirmation emails, then be here at your normal time tomorrow with a bag packed. You can park your car at the edge of the lot. No one will bother it.”

  “Anything else?” she asked.

  “No. You’re dismissed,” I said.

  “Just one question, sir, before I go.”


  “Will we be fucking in one or both of the beds at our disposal?”

  The smirk on her face as she turned toward the door ripped a chuckle from my throat. Her cheeky side always came out to play when she wanted to have the last word, and I took pride in being able to give that to her. It gave her the illusion that she was in control sometimes, that she could turn my head in the same ways I could turn hers. My cock began to throb again as I watched her ass sashay out my door, and suddenly, my thoughts were flooded with her statement.

  I wouldn’t just fuck her on the beds. I’d fuck her on that balcony, too.

  If I could.

  Chapter 20


  By nine the next morning, we were on the road. The SUV Grant had rented was massive, and it allowed me to lean my seat all the way back and spread my legs to stretch. I didn’t want to tell him I was prone to getting car sick, so I did everything I could to mitigate the feeling. I ate a big breakfast, I brought a pillow and a blanket, and I traveled in clothes that didn’t make me feel too constricted.

  “Don’t get too comfortable,” he said. “We do have a meeting scheduled for this afternoon. You’ll have plenty of time to change and get ready in the suite. I just wanted to let you know.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “What about the meetings for tomorrow?”

  “Yes, we’ll have meetings Saturday as well. The meetings after that, if there are any, will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis. If things go well, we’ll be heading back after the weekend with another company underneath the umbrella of J&M.”

  “Sounds exciting,” I said. “What would you like me to do?”

  “Take notes. Minutes. Record it if you have to. I want as much of it as possible documented by a third party. I also want you to learn. Take in what you’re looking at. You’re about to see prime negotiating tactics by men who want nothing more than to get the best bang for their buck. They’ll be desperate, which means they’ll be ruthless. Commit everything you can to memory because it will all help you when you run your own company one day.”

  “I can do that.”

  The conversation fell silent just as my favorite song came on the radio. I raised up and cranked up the volume, testing the speaker system in the car before I laid back down. I wiggled my body to the beat, swirling my hips and bobbing my breasts, and the way Grant’s eyes kept flickering over to me made me salivate.

  “Your dancing’s giving me some ideas,” he said as his hand reached over to settle on my thigh.

  “And what kinds of ideas are those?” I asked.

  “Well, if we don’t hit too much traffic, we should get to the suite you’ve booked us with enough time for a little private strip tease before we have to get ready to meet our prospective clients.”

  “Then you better drive like hell, Mr. Jacobs.”

  The engine of the SUV roared underneath us, and it pulled a giggle from between my lips. He began dodging in and out of traffic, zooming down the highway as we inched closer and closer to New Orleans. I’d never been there before, despite growing up this close to it my entire life, and I was excited to take in the city with Grant. I wasn’t sure how much personal time we would get with one another, but I was going to make the most of every second I was afforded.

  And I’d do anything he wanted, just to get that time with him.

  I felt his hand massaging my thigh, so I decided to level the playing field. While my hips still danced to the song, I reached my hand over and descended it onto his cock. I could feel how hard he was for me through his pants, his dick throbbing in my palm as I wrapped my hand around it.

  Then, the fun and games began.

  “Are you well-versed in dirty talk, Miss Marks?” he asked.

  “Well, there wasn’t a class in college I could take, but I’d say I’m pretty good for someone who’s self-taught,” I said, giggling.

  The chuckle that fell from his lips pooled warmth into my panties. His hand was slowly inching inward, massaging the thickness of my inner thigh as my legs parted wider for him. My breaths got deeper as his cock grew harder against my palm, and for a moment, I simply allowed myself a moment to revel in his touch.

  “Regale me with your dirtiest fantasy, Miss Marks,” he said.

  “Can you handle that type of steam while you’re driving, Mr. Jacobs?” I asked.

  All of a sudden, his hand cracked down on my th
igh. I gasped, jumping in shock as the painful waves ricocheted up my stomach. My tits puckered to painful peaks before his hand landed back down on the site of the assault. He began to massage the area as I felt my skin growing red, and I slowly panned my gaze up to him to find his stern eyes focused on the road.

  “I gave you a command, Miss Marks,” he said.

  I honestly wasn’t sure which one to talk about. “Dirtiest” meant different things to different people. I guessed this was his way of figuring out what I really thought was dirty, or maybe this was him trying to get ideas. I didn’t really know, but as my eyes slowly turned back out to the road, I felt his hand slip closer to my wet pussy.

  And that was when the inspiration hit me.

  “Well, there was one I kept having in high school that starred a particular man I couldn’t keep my eyes off of back then,” I said. “He was tall, dark, handsome, rich as fuck, so I knew he could take care of me. I had this idea of being hired by him to clean his house. I’d come in on the weekends when he wasn’t working and do things like clean his dishes and make his bed, and after I was all hot and sweating, I’d start scrubbing his floors.”

  “Go on,” he said.

  “Then suddenly, I’d be in a short skirt and a see-through top. My tits would be pressing against a shirt that was a bit too small for me, and I’d be situated over a bucket of warm, soapy water as I started scrubbing his floors. He’d stand over me, showing me all the spots I missed. I’d try to fix it, but it wouldn’t be very good, and he’d grow frustrated with me.”

  His cock jumped underneath my palm, and I smirked as I turned my gaze back to him. His eyes were hard on the highway as his fingertips inched closer to my pussy, and I sighed at his touch before I continued my story.

  “Then, after he was frustrated with my inability to properly clean his floors, he’d rip me up off the floor and bend me over his knee. His thighs were so strong and meaty, and his warm hands would trail up the backs of my thighs. He’d flip up my pathetic excuse for a skirt, revealing my silken fluids dripping down my thighs. Then he’d spank my naked ass, over and over and over again until it was the shade of red he wanted to see the most.”


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