Arousing Her Read online
Page 11
From there, she took control again. Her ass to me, one of her hands wrapped itself around my cock, holding it steady while she planted herself on top of my member. She bounced on the head for a few moments, pressing it into her lips before pulling herself off. Again and again, she did this, never actually allowing me inside of her.
After a few more times, I had enough. I grabbed her by the hips and pushed her down so that my hard cock slid right up inside of her. She left off a moan to match my own as I filled her. I could feel her lips wrapping around and sucking onto my shaft as I slid all the way up to the hilt. And then, once I was totally inside of her, she straightened up, standing up so that my dick slid from out of her, before sitting back down again.
Then, the fun began. I remained seated as I watched her perfectly round booty bounce up and down, up and down, on my cock. Each time, she got to the point where I was about to pop out of her before falling back down. My dick never left the inside of her, and she relished in making it so.
To add to the amazing sensation of feeling myself inside of her, each time she came down, she also ground forward, really making sure that I was receiving ultimate pleasure. I didn't even think that she was trying to make herself come. That night was all about me.
It was because of that, it didn't take long before I felt myself on the verge. Each time she came down and ground forward, it brought me closer to release. I grabbed onto her ass, squeezing it and letting her know I was ready. I tried to slow her down, but this only made her go faster. I tried to reach around and find her clit to make her come, but she stopped me.
She just kept on going and going. Faster and faster. Each time she came down, she really pushed herself forward, and each time I groaned, she did the same thing. She wanted me to come inside of her. She was almost begging for it. My knees began to shake. My head began to spin. My balls began to ache.
And then I released.
I fell onto my back, groaning in pleasure as warm, sticky come erupted from the tip of my cock. And the whole time, she kept herself on me, firmly squeezing her thighs together so that none of it left her. Although she slowed down on her movements, she didn't stop, instead subtly moving up and down, milking me for all I had.
By the time she climbed off me, I was in another world. I didn't even notice that she had stripped off the rest of her clothes and crawled into bed with me. And I barely noticed the kisses she showered upon me. And try as I might, I couldn't remember scurrying back up the bed and falling in beside her.
But somehow, I had ended up beside Kate, with her wrapped in my arms. In that moment, as the two of us slowly drifted off to sleep, I couldn't remember a time I had been this happy.
The first sign that Liam was truly changing was that he called in sick to work.
We woke up early that day before the sun had even risen above the horizon. I remember looking out the window in his bedroom and having my breath taken away by the pastiche of purples and oranges that had just begun to peek over the horizon. It mixed with the smog of the city to create a truly breathtaking view.
It was my excitement over the view that woke Liam. As he did, it took him a few minutes to remember where he was and what had happened the night before. But as his eyes fell on me, a warm smile spread across his face, and I knew in that instant that he regretted nothing.
He called in sick because he said he wanted to spend the entire day with me. When I asked what he wanted to do exactly, he said nothing at all. He didn't want to leave the apartment, even for a moment. The apartment was exactly twenty-five feet in length, and if I was any farther away from him than that at any point in the day, he claimed that he would lose his mind. A little sappy? Definitely. But heart melting? Without a doubt. And panty melting? Only if I’d been wearing them, which I wasn’t.
"I want to learn more about you," he said as he pulled me back into bed. I was getting up to grab a glass of water, but even that was too much for him to bear.
"More about me?" I giggled as I fell back into bed. "You already know everything."
"Do I? There's no way that can be true."
"Well, you know as much as I do. Amnesia, remember." Giving up on the water, I lay myself down by his side. His arm slid under me, and I rested my head on his chest. I had never felt so comfortable.
"I know what's on the surface, but I want to go deeper," he said as he stroked my hair. There was definite affection in his voice, and I loved that he was so curious.
"How deep?" I asked playfully.
"All the way," he confirmed. "Like your career. What do you want to do? I don't even know that."
"Well, truth be told, I want to be a writer."
Hearing this he sat up in what I assumed to be surprise. The look on his face only confirmed this. "Really?"
"Yeah, I think so. I mean I've been doing it a little lately, and from what I've found on my laptop, I'm actually pretty good."
"Can I see?"
Usually, I would have said no to such a request. And that was purely coming from a nervous, not-thinking-I-was-so-good, place. Like I said, I only knew I wanted to be a writer because I had found evidence of the fact. For all I knew, I was absolutely awful, and it was only a pipe dream.
But still, there was something about the look on Liam's face that made me want to show him. I wanted to please him and make him happy. I wanted him to be impressed with me. He was already so successful, and I felt like I was holding him back. I needed him to know that wasn't the case.
I jumped on his laptop and opened my online storage folder. That was where I kept all of my writing, and after carefully selecting the one I thought to be the best, I let him read.
I watched his face the whole time. It took him roughly thirty minutes, and I never looked away, not once. I loved watching his face as he read. The way he smiled, laughed and gasped. He was either a greater actor, or he really did enjoy my story.
"Kate," he said, looking up from his laptop finally. "That was amazing. Seriously. I had no idea. I didn't know you were so talented."
"Really?" I asked, not being able to hide my smile.
He put the laptop down, leapt forward, and pulled me back into bed with him. The sun had only just risen by that point. The day was still young. "Seriously, so good!" he beamed. "I'm speechless."
"I'm glad you liked it," I said earnestly as I resumed my position lying by his side. "I was worried.”
"Hold up. I would never not like anything you wrote. Seriously, every word on that page was perfect. But that just raises one question. What are you going to do with it?"
"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting up and turning to look at him. I wasn't sure what he was getting at. Did he want me to try and sell my short stories?
"You're obviously a good writer. So, what are you going to write next? Something that can help you forge a career?"
"Well yeah," I said stupidly. In truth, I hadn't really thought too much on the specifics yet. I knew I wanted to be a writer. I just didn't know what that meant. Or how I would go about doing it. I guess I was waiting for that ‘dare to be great’ moment, just hoping that it would make itself known.”
"Well, yeah, Kate. If you want to do something, you have to do it. No more sitting around."
"I'm not.”
"I don't mean it like that. I mean that I want you to start looking for ideas and writing everything down. You're obviously talented. More than that even. One good idea can set you up for life. Now, promise me that you will start looking. Okay?"
He fixed me with a serious stare, one that told me that he wasn't messing around. And despite the seriousness of the moment, I couldn't help but smile. The way that he cared for me, and how much he wanted to see me succeed was amazing. What had I done to deserve someone like this?
"Okay," I said finally. "I'll start trying. I promise."
"Good," he said, pulling me back down to him. "And just so you know, I'll be here to support you the whole way."
; "What about you?" I asked when I was comfortable.
"What about me?" he responded absentmindedly.
"Do you want to work at the hospital for the rest of your life? I get the sense that you don't like it too much?"
It wasn't meant to be a stab at him, but an observation. The few times I had seen him at work, he had looked miserable. And even that morning when he called in sick, he seemed ecstatic at the thought of not having to go in to work.
"Well, I mean it's a good job with a good pay check."
"That's not what I asked."
"No, it's not," he said, smiling at me. "You're right. I don't want to spend the rest of my life there. The hospital is more than an office. It's its own entity. It takes your life and gives nothing back. It beats you down and then acts surprised when you don't get back up. I never thought it would be so hard."
"So why don't you do something else?"
"Like?" He actually sounded curious, as if he was asking me for a suggestion.
It implied to me that this was something he had thought on for a while, and just needed the shove out the door. It was one that I would be only too willing to give.
"I don't know. You could open your own private practice. I mean you're a doctor, so you can work anywhere. The whole world needs doctors."
"Okay. Deal. But if I do move, then you have to move with me."
"Is that right?" I asked, sitting up again. As I did, I looked down at him, meeting his smiling eyes. He lovingly ran his hand through my hair.
"That's right. I want to hear you promise. Say it."
"Okay," I said, trying to sound as serious as I could. "I promise that I will go anywhere with you."
Unable to hold back his smile, he threw his arms around me and pulled me back into him, smothering me with his kisses.
"Hey, hey," I said, pulling myself from his embrace. "I want you to know, too, that I'm here to help. If there is ever anything you need. I want to help."
"I know."
There wasn't really much more that he could say. We still had the entire day together, and already, I felt like I knew him better than I knew anybody else. I certainly knew him better than I knew myself. I trusted him implicitly, and it was a strange feeling, knowing that I was able to put that much faith in another person. It was frightening, but also warm and forgiving.
"Well then, as we have all day together, I suppose we better get started," I said, slapping him on the chest as I sat up.
"What do you mean?" he asked, going to sit up. He only got about halfway up before I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back down.
"It means that I wish I had met you sooner, and as that is the case, we have a lot of lost time to make up for."
He smiled knowingly as I threw my leg over his torso, climbing on top of him. I could feel him instantly harden underneath me, and I was already wet at that thought of what we were about to do.
The day was young, and we had plenty of time. And yet something told me that even still, there weren't going to be enough hours in the day. Not for the two of us anyway.
"Tell me why we're here again?" Clint asked as he skulked behind me. "There's something very illegal about the whole thing."
"You mean breaking and entering?" I shot back, trying my best to ignore him as I did my best to pry open the front door without it looking like it had been opened. I had never broken into anything before, and it was a lot harder than the movies had made it seem.
"Well, there's that. Plus, the fact that it's your girlfriend’s place. So, we'll add an ethical conundrum onto the list, too. How about that?"
"You're supposed to be keeping a lookout. That's why I brought you. If I wanted my ear talked off, I would have, well, I don't know what I would have done. But it wouldn't have involved asking you along."
"All right, all right," he said. "Just double checking that you want to do this. Someone has to be the calm voice of reason."
"Like I said, I don't want to do this. I have to do this. It's the last thing that threatens to bring my world crashing down, and I have to take care of it before it's too late–ah, there you go!"
I felt a light click coming from the door lock, and a second later, the door slowly inched open. Unlocked and open.
I waved Clint in, who casually strolled through the door and into Kate's apartment. I was right behind him, closing and locking the door behind us.
"Okay,” I said. “You know what to do." He did, and so we began.
The last week with Kate had been going perfectly. Our last fight was the incident with Danny, and since then, we had both fallen into a rhythm that defied explanation.
That day we spent in bed together was probably the best day of my entire life, and by the end, I came out knowing more about her than I had when we were dating. And what was amazing, too, was how much I was willing to tell her.
I was usually very closed off when it came to my personal life and my work, in particular. That was actually one of the things that led to our original break up. It was my inability to tell her how I was feeling that resulted in me ending it so suddenly and abruptly. But that was in the past. I was living in the present, and the present was wonderful.
There was only one, very small problem. Well, there was the obvious larger problem of her remembering everything. But I tried not to think of that. I liked to worry about things that I actually had some control over, and last night, as I lay in bed, one hounding problem suddenly reared its head.
About two weeks ago, when I had first started seeing Kate, she mentioned that she had stumbled upon her old journals and that in them, I was mentioned. I didn't even know that she kept journals, but it only made sense that I featured in them. I was, after all, a very big part of her life once upon a time.
Now, at that point, when she first told me about them, I had bigger things to worry about, and as such, they faded from my memory and were all but forgotten. That was until last night anyway, when she brought them up again. She mentioned that she might like to start writing in a journal again and documenting her thoughts. It would be fascinating for when her memory came back, and she could compare new thoughts with old ones.
I couldn't argue with that point. It would be rather interesting. I also couldn't help but see the glaring problem with her plan. She would most likely go back and read her old journals while writing her new ones. There was every chance that my name in full was written down somewhere, and if she came across that, well the jig was up.
On the one hand, a part of me wanted her to find out. I hated lying to her. I hated it. Every time that my past came up, or even hers, I felt a stab of pain in my stomach, like my gut was literally being torn out. It pained me to put her in that position, and each time it happened, it was on the tip of my tongue to tell her.
But then I would think about what that meant and how she would react. I just needed more time. We had been seeing each other for about two weeks, and I was certain that we were close to where I wanted to be. I just needed one or two more shots of adrenaline to be pumped into our relationship. That way, when she did find out, she would love me too much to just drop me. Sure, it was going to be hard to come back from that, but it would be possible, and that thought, that cold and isolating thought, was all I had to hang on to.
And so that was why I was in Kate's apartment with Clint. It was early morning, and we were on our way to work. I also knew that Kate would be out running and then get her morning coffee at this time, so the apartment would be empty. It was going to be a simple job, find the journals and get out. I only needed five minutes. Five minutes and I could ensure that Kate and I were going to be together forever.
"What do they look like?" Clint asked as he fell to his knees to look under Kate's bed.
"Books, Clint. They look like books." I was rifling through her closet, doing my best to not look through her personals. The journals were the only things I wanted to find.
"Look, if you're going to be sarcastic
I'll just—"
"I don't know what they look like," I snapped, closing the closet. "I assume they look like normal journals. Hand-written. That kind of thing. She implied there was more than one, so there will probably be a whole stack."
"And what are you going to do once you find these journals?" Clint asked, wandering over to the kitchen where he started looking through drawers and cupboards. The odds of them being in there were slim, but I did tell him to look everywhere.
"I don't know. Burn them. Throw them in the trash. Just so long as she doesn't see them."
"Can I ask you a serious question?"
"Sure," I said, now looking through her bookshelf. It was stacked full of classical reading, but nothing that fit the description I had mapped out in my head.
"Where do you see this going?"
"What? The journals?"
"No, not them. I mean this relationship?" Clint had all but stopped looking now. Instead, he wandered toward me, looking at me with a serious expression. "If you do find the journals, then great. You've fooled her for another day."
"I'm not trying to fool her."
"I know. Poor choice of words. What I meant was that eventually, you are going to have to tell her that you know her, that you two used to date and that you are now pretending that the whole history you two had never existed. You will, eventually, have to tell her everything. Doesn't that ever worry you? Doesn't that keep you up at night?"
For that, I stopped what I was doing and turned back to face Clint. I wanted him to be looking into my eyes so that there could be no miscommunication. "Every damn night," I said seriously.
"Okay," he said, nodding his head. "Just making sure that you have thought about it."
For the next few moments, the two of us searched the apartment in silence. I knew that he was judging me, but I didn't care. I was doing what I was doing out of love, and that was all that mattered.